10.27.22 – ISHNÂ
Over 90% of respondents said they often or sometimes have issues with their employees following proper PPE protocols. This eye-opening statistic was revealed in a recent J. J. Keller Center for Market Insights study on PPE pain points.
Underlying factors that contributed to PPE noncompliance were lack of adequate sizing, heat stress, and supply chain disruptions.
Key Study Findings
34% said they had trouble buying PPE in the sizes they need
35% of respondents struggle to purchase PPE that fits their female employees
71% said they often or sometimes experienced supply chain delays in the past year
90% of respondents have trouble getting their employees to wear their PPE
The PPE Pain Points Study was distributed to over 12,000 contacts in a variety of industries including transportation, manufacturing, and construction. Most respondents (89%) were responsible for purchasing PPE and work for companies with less than 500 employees.
“While our respondents are clearly committed to prioritizing employee safety, their employees resist wearing the PPE they need because it’s hot, it makes it harder to do their job, or they just aren’t interested in doing so,” said Christy Panagakis, J. J. Keller senior customer & market insights analyst. “When PPE doesn’t fit properly, or they’re unable to get the PPE they need due to supply chain issues, that only compounds the challenges safety managers face.”
Among the open-ended comments from respondents, finding comfortable PPE for employees emerged as a common theme as well, with responses indicating the PPE needs to be comfortable enough for employees to wear all day.
For a detailed report of the study, visit JJKeller.com/ppepainpoints.