301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Police are fighting crime by looking at buildings, not criminals

6.25.22 – News Nation Now — KANSAS CITY, Mo.  Is one way to reduce crime to focus on places rather than people?That’s a bet the Kansas City Police Department placed in 2019 when it ramped up an approach known as risk-based policing. Instead of relying only on arrests...

What new research reveals about retaining employees

6.15.22 – Associations Now – By Rasheeda Childress  As the Great Resignation continues, organizations are struggling with how to keep staff. The bad news is, turnover happens in times of change. But a handful of new reports also reveal some positives:...

Alarm.com Unveils Solar Monitoring Program

6.21.22 -SSI – TYSONS, Va. Alarm.com’s integrated solar monitoring solution for service providers features a Solar Automation & Awareness service package and Solar Program Certification Course. Alarm.com (Nasdaq: ALRM) is the latest smart home/security...

Tips for Deploying Smart Video Surveillance Storage Solutions

6.23.22 -SSI The increased demand for video surveillance, higher resolution and AI analytics have created a need for high capacity storage solutions. Western Digital’s Brian Mallari breaks down how security integrators can deliver them. According to Statista, the...

CISA issues warning on UPS device vulnerabilities

6.24.22 – SIW – Ellen Boehm As vendors continue to adopt connectivity to devices, stringent best practices for manufacturers must be adopted as well Manufacturers are increasingly adding connectivity to their devices to leverage the benefits the Internet...