10.20.22 – KSHB – KANSAS CITY, Mo. Supply chain issues in the trucking industry are having a domino effect. Without shipments making their deadlines, local businesses are bearing the brunt of the situation. Holly Pollard, who owns Brookside Toy & Science,...
10.20.22 – Arkansas Democrat Gazette Price increases driven by sustained inflation are starting to alter the buying patterns of consumers in Arkansas and surrounding states, according to an economic update released Wednesday by the Federal Reserve Bank....
10.18.22 – ISHN – By Peter G. Furst Employee engagement is influenced by how the individual perceives the work culture, reacts emotionally and responds behaviorally. Some research has shown that formal performance management practices may not work well in...
10.17.22 – PC Magazine Navigate through a 3D version of your home, have a chat with digital humans, and adjust settings on the LG products you own. LG is partnering with game engine maker Unity to create a 3D copy of our homes and populate them with...
10.20.22 – WBT Systems When I hear “at the end of the day,” my blood pressure rises. I can never not hear it. Even when I’m not paying attention to someone on TV, if they say it, the phrase infiltrates my brain, making me groan. If you ever see those words on...
(Image: Valmedia/stock.adobe.com) 10.20.22 – SSI – Shane Clary If you design, install or service fire alarm systems, you’ll want to get familiar with bi-directional amplifiers ahead of the updated NFPA 1. This month’s column continues the discussion on...