301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Contact Congress to Extend 3G Sunset

WE NEED YOUR HELP As many of you know, AT&T and Verizon have announced sunsets for their 3G networks. AT&T is calling for a sunset date of February 22, 2022 and Verizon is calling for a sunset of December of 2022 – 10 months later. Because of the...

Essential Keys to Keeping Up With Your Customer Base Virtually

9.23.20 – SSI – Ron Bowden  As the industry continues to evolve into the “new normal” of social distancing, remote learning and well-planned budgets, it’s more important than ever to stay connected with your most valuable asset — your customers. Time and again,...

How to Recruit & Retain Gen Z Employees

9.22.20 – SSI –  Steve Karantzoulidis  The GSX+ session “How to Recruit and Retain Gen Z in Security Organizations” offered an in-depth background on Gen Z and what they’re looking for in employment. If you’re old enough to be a veteran of the security industry,...

Circumstances dictate the evolving state of access control

New products now accommodate these more sophisticated encrypted readers and have helped usher in the shift to touchless technology as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.Courtesy of Automatic Systems 9.23.20 – SIW – GSX+ panel reveals that technology is being driven...

An Old TV Crashed an Entire Village’s Broadband for 18 Months

9.23.20 – Digital Trends Residents of a village in Wales kept losing their broadband connections at the same time every day. The cause? One resident’s aging TV. f your broadband keeps going haywire, maybe someone nearby is using an ancient television set....