Town Hall on COVID 19Plan to join us at 2pm on Tuesday June 9 Eastern Time for an interactive discussion on how FARA members are dealing with COVID 19 We will be using Go To Meeting. You can dial in to talk & listen, dial in to talk & login to view or login...
Elections will be Held In 2020 Since we only received a single candidate for the open seats the following candidates will be declared elected at the 2020 Annual Meeting on July 14 at 2pm Eastern: President – Alberto HookTreasurer – Alicia VelaFire...
By Mia Hunt on 28/04/2020 – Global Government Forum On Friday, president Trump signed a US$484bn relief bill that aims to alleviate the pressure on small businesses and hospitals under strain as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the latest bill does...
Natasha Mehu April 29, 2020 Public Safety and Corrections Maryland Assn of Counties Inability to host fundraising events, shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), and lack of volunteers are just some of the challenges fire companies are facing. As the...
Leaders of local governments, like Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr., center, are facing unprecedented fiscal challenges as coronavirus has shut down the U.S. economy.(Kevin Richardson/Baltimore Sun) By WILBORN P. NOBLES III – BALTIMORE...
4.22.20 – WZDX – Kelly Kennedy HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Many people have taken time to honor those on the front lines during this pandemic, but we can’t forget about those behind the scenes. If you drive by the Huntsville Madison County 911 Center,...