301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Public Safety Updates

Industry News

State & National News

Business Tips

  • 5 Reasons Architects, Designers Should Work With Integrators
    8.30.19 – CEPro – It’s no secret that architects and designers should be working with integrators more closely, but how do you convince them your services are valuable? Check out these tips!
  • How Pairing Thermal Cameras and Radar Enhances Perimeter Protection
    8.30.19 – SSI – Thermal cameras can be an optimal match to radar’s long detection range, allowing personnel to be alerted before a suspect reaches the perimeter.
  • Customers Speak Up on Diagnosing and Resolving Pain Points
    9.1.19 – SSI – SSI’s first Commercial Security End-User Forum gives decision makers chiefly in the K-12 education and hospital markets opportunity to tell systems integrators how to best address their critical security needs. There’s no quiz, but pay attention if you want to profit. By Erin Harrington
  • 4 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Take Labor Day Off
    9.1.19 – Entrepreneur – Planning on skipping Labor Day fun to focus on your startup? Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t.
  • I Want My MCCTV
    9.1.19 – SSI – Experts from around the security industry share why mobile video surveillance solutions are proving to be in high demand by everyone from pet owners to police officers. By Steve Karantzoulidis
  • Perimeter Protection Threat Level Soaring
    9.1.19 – SSI – Drones pose a greater security risk than most think, especially as the law leans toward the operators’ side. Integrators can help organizations adapt procedures and arm themselves with the latest detection technologies. By Leo McCloskey
  • Analyzing How Analytics Can Enable New Business
    9.1.19 – SSI – Now in the mainstream, video content analysis continues to open newfound revenue opportunities across a wide range of vertical markets. Understanding the technology and selecting the right market niche are keys for security integrators to succeed. By Allan B. Colombo
  • How Cloud and Mobile Are Transforming Access Control
    9.1.19 – SSI – The rise of mobile credentials and Cloud solutions is impacting the role integrators play in selling and supporting access control systems. Learn how to capitalize on market shifts that are creating enhanced functionalities, new recurring revenue streams and more. By Jeff Perri

Fire & EMS News

Crime News

The National Monitor is a service of the National Electronic Security Alliance (NESA). Member states are free to reproduce the information contained herein in print or electronic media as they see fit. Contact NESA for more information at 301.519.9237 or bradshipp@4yoursolution.com

NESA is a federation of state associations established to serve and promote the electronic systems industry at the direction of, and through its affiliated state associations. Five state associations are part of NESA – Texas Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (TBFAA), Maryland Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (MDBFAA), Kansas Electronic Security Association (KESA), Arkansas Security Alarm Association (ASAA) and Oklahoma Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (OKBFAA). For more info visit www.nesaus.org.

NESA Board of Directors