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We got the lowdown on burglaries from an expert. Here’s what they suggest to foil common home thieves.
As our homes have gotten smart and home security — like even a simple video doorbell — has grown more affordable, residential burglaries have decreased over the years. However, millions of burglaries still occur every year, causing an average of $2,660 in losses, and burglars have become smarter and faster in the face of new technology. That means they’re better than ever at casing residential areas, spotting vulnerabilities and finding the right times to get in or dip.
To understand how and why burglaries happen — and how you can help prevent them — we talked to James Lynch, a professor and former chair of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland. Many of the insights he provided were surprisingly simple and helpful.
Here’s how burglars break into homes, and how to help limit the risk of being burglarized.
Common ways burglars break into homes

Looking for unlocked doors
While it may sound simple, the most common way burglars enter homes is through an unlocked door or window. This is according to a survey of 86 inmates convicted of burglary, conducted by KGW-TV in Portland, Oregon. Yes, most burglars will simply try doors and windows to see what opens, especially in the middle of the day when there aren’t many people around. For a burglar, it’s a fast and low-risk option that doesn’t require any planning, equipment or special skills.
When doors and windows were locked, burglars surveyed said they preferred kicking in the door as opposed to breaking a window. Kicking a door in makes less noise than broken glass and doesn’t pose a safety risk to the burglar.
Spotting for affluent homes
“Professional burglars who have some skills will pick a target not just because it’s vulnerable, but also because it’s more likely to have the type of belongings that could easily be turned into cash,” Lynch said.
“If there’s evidence of affluence, where a burglar could get a good return on their investment, that type of home will attract burglars,” Lynch continued. “But it depends on the burglar’s level of sophistication. Some will go around without much planning and try doors until they find one that’s open.”

Finding homes with cove
Some reports indicate single-family homes in the middle of the street are more likely to be broken into than homes on the corner. This may be due to the greater visibility corner homes have.
Conversely, in apartment buildings, Lynch pointed out that corner units with two sides of exposure have a greater likelihood of getting hit than units with only one side of exposure. It could be that more numerous entrances and exits in these buildings give burglars more places to hide or plan an escape.

Returning to the same house
Studies in the UK point to a pattern of repeat victimization. “If you were burglarized once, there’s a good chance you’ll be burglarized again within the next 10 days,” said Lynch. “There are two theories on this pattern. One is the burglars saw something they couldn’t take the first time so they come back for it. The second is they’ve already found a way to gain entrance or get past your security and they want to capitalize on that before you have a chance to repair your door or window.”
This pattern holds for near-repeat victimization. For instance, if the house next door gets burglarized, the probability of your house getting burglarized increases, according to Lynch.
“These patterns are consistent with burglary as an occupation,” Lynch said.
Watching the garage
In addition to doors and windows, burglars can access your home through your attached garage. People often leave the door from the house to the garage unlocked and may not be as diligent about securing garage windows and walk-in doors.
How you can stop home break-ins from happening to you
There are several steps you can take to protect your home, loved ones and belongings from burglars. But the most important step is to secure your doors and windows.

As simple as locking doors and windows sounds, a survey by YouGov showed that 7% of Americans surveyed do not lock their doors when they go out, and 23% do not lock them when they’re home. People in the Northwest and Northeast United States are most likely to leave their doors unlocked.
“If people would just lock their doors and windows, that would prevent a lot of burglaries,” Lynch said.
Another tip is to rekey your locks when you first move in: You don’t know who the previous owner gave keys to. By rekeying your locks, you can know and control who has access to your home.This can also give you the opportunity to improve the quality of your locks.
For even more security, consider installing secondary locks on your windows.A track lock on vinyl or aluminum windows can prevent the window from freely moving up and down. And if you have an attached garage, be sure to lock the house door that accesses the garage.
Exterior doors should be solid enough that they’re difficult to kick open. They should not have windows that can be broken, giving a burglar access to the lock.Install peepholesat eye level on both your front and back doors, and check them before opening your door to visitors.
Security systems

One of the best ways to deter burglars is with security cameras and home alarm systems. In the KGW survey, burglars said security cameras made them less likely to target a residence. They also said they would leave the property immediately if an alarm sounded.
As part of your security system, you may also want to install motion-activated lights. Having a well-lit exterior will help keep burglars away at night.
“There is a high positive correlation between having a security system and preventing burglaries,” said Lynch. “If you don’t have a home security system and you’ve been burglarized, it would be worth investing in one so you don’t become a repeat victim.”
These basic tactics are the best research-based methods for preventing burglaries.