9.30.20 – CI – Annelise Fasnacht
Solutionz Inc’s Annelise Fasnacht highlights how recruiting new talent and hiring them has changed during the pandemic and will never be the same.
Recruiting and hiring is difficult in the best of times. Same goes for job hunting. During a pandemic, though? Talk about a headache.
But using video conferencing solutions wisely can make the process a whole lot easier for companies and prospective employees alike. Let’s take a quick look at a few methods for making this all go smoothly for everyone.
For Employers
1. Keep It Simple
Give your interviewees a break and keep things as straightforward and simple as possible. Don’t make them jump through a million hoops to connect via video. With a cloud-based conferencing solution (StarLeaf Cloud, for example), your interviewees need only click on a link to join a meeting.
2. Virtual Documents
This one could also fall under the “keep it simple” rubric. Once you’ve made your hiring decision and are ready to have your new employee dot the I’s and cross the T’s, it will make everything easier for everyone if you provide editable PDFs that eliminate the whole rigmarole of printing and scanning. Streamline the process and keep everything paperless.
3. Training Videos
Creating short, snappy training videos will require an initial investment of time and labor on your part, but it will be worth it. How many times are you going to want to deliver the same exact onboarding spiel to your new hires?
Instead, you can make engaging training videos that will make your new hires feel both adequately prepared and, more importantly, welcome.
For Job-Seekers
1. Practice
This whole video interviewing thing might be totally new to you—which is fine! A whole lot of people are learning how to video conference right now. It wouldn’t hurt to get in a little practice before your interview.
Recruit a friend or family member and stage a mock interview via video. This is a great way to identify and correct any lighting or noise issues, while giving you time to perfect the fine art of making eye contact with a camera.
2. Keep It Simple (Part Two)
As we told the employers, this is no time to experiment. Keep. It. Simple. Stick to an outfit with muted colors. Anything bright or showy is going to be too distracting on your interviewer’s screen.
And please don’t do anything crazy with your background. If possible, set yourself up with a blank wall behind you.
About the Author
Annelise Fasnacht is the Director of Marketing for Solutionz, Inc.