10.23.20 – The Advocate
The second special session of 2020 was called by the Republican … bills passed during Louisiana’s latest special session of 2020; see full list.
The second special session of 2020 was called by the Republican legislative majority to start on Sept. 28 because some issues just needed to be dealt with immediately and couldn’t wait. The session was supposed to end on Tuesday, but lawmakers shut it down Friday afternoon.
The “call” listed 70 items but 16 of those emergencies had no instruments filed to address, according to the Louisiana News Bureau, a service that tracks legislation for lobbyists and journalists.
Legislation on 42 call items completed the process.
In all, the Legislature passed 34 bills that began in the House and 37 Senate measures. A total of 74 House resolutions completed the process as did 67 that began in the Senate. Resolutions can suspend existing laws or urge agencies to do something. Bills actually change the laws as they read in law books.
Senate President Page Cortez, R-Lafayette, acknowledged that while a lot of time was used up in the fight over the governor’s powers, the main emergency issues did receive attention: stabilizing the fast emptying trust fund that pay unemployment benefits and helping storm-ravaged southwest Louisiana.
Rules were changed that allowed public schools, mostly empty of students because of Hurricane Laura, to receive their usual appropriation, which is determined by an automatic formula based on enrollment. Plus $42 million was found and rules were adjusted to immediately start rebuilding damaged buildings on higher education campuses rather than wait for government and insurance to get the gears going, which could take a few more months.
Legislators also were able to postpone for a year the triggers that would have required businesses to pay more taxes and the unemployed to receive smaller weekly checks in order to refill the trust fund from benefits are paid. The delay is until October 2021 but Cortez said that should give lawmakers enough time in the regular session, which begins in April, to find a more permanent solution.
House Bill 26 would suspend collection of sales taxes statewide on Nov. 20 through Nov. 21 “to provide relief for recovery” from Hurricane Laura. It’ll cost taxpayers about $4.5 million in lost revenues.
House Bill 29 will exempt certain oil and gas wells from paying severance taxes on the product produced for up to two years, depending on the type well. That’ll cost the rest of us about $38 million over the next five years.
Bills Completed the Legislative Process (Current Status)
HB 1, James
Provides relative to parole eligibility for certain juvenile offenders (Item #58)
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
HB 2, James
Provides relative to the availability of certain criminal justice system data to certain nonprofit entities (Item #63)
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
HB 4, Wright
Provides relative to emergency declarations (Items #1, 2, and 28)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 10, McFarland
Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Jackson Parish (Item #54)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 12, Marino
Provides relative to meetings of the Board of Pardons and the committee on parole (Items #25, 28, and 40)
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
HB 14, Stefanski
Provides relative to the criteria and amenity requirements for qualified truck stops during a declared emergency (Item #32)
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
HB 20, Edmonds
Provides relative to income tax deduction for certain educational expenses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic (Item #26)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 22, Stagni
Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of the Kenner Housing Authority (Item #24)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 24, Zeringue
Provides relative to the capital outlay budget (Item #15)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 26, Schexnayder
Establishes a sales tax holiday to provide relief for recovery as a result of Hurricane Laura and the COVID-19 pandemic (Item #26)https://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 29, DeVillier
Suspends severance taxes on production from certain oil wells (Items #26 and 61)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 37, Beaullieu
Authorizes an income tax credit for certain businesses whose operations were interrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (Items #26 and 65)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 39, Zeringue
Makes supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (Item #11)
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 40, Garofalo
Provides relative to qualifications for Taylor Opportunity Program for Students scholarships (Item #43)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 43, Bacala
Provides for rights of nursing home residents relative to visitation (Item #59)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 48, Duplessis
Requires that student identification cards issued by certain postsecondary education institutions meet certain requirements (Item #42)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 51, Miguez
Provides for prohibition of using private funds for any part of our election system (Item #5)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 52, Edmonds
Requires regular reporting of the number of school-age children known to have an infectious disease during a public health emergency relating to the disease (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 54, James
Provides relative to the acceptance of digital identification (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 59, Beaullieu
Authorizes the payment of additional compensation to certain election officials for elections held within a certain period following a gubernatorially declared emergency (Item #5)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 66, Beaullieu
Provides relative to the state’s unemployment insurance program and data sharing (Item #64)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 69, McFarland
Creates the “Louisiana Agricultural Workforce Development Program” (Item #67)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 72, Stefanski
Provides dedicated funding and requirements within the La. Main Street Recovery Program for certain establishments (Items #16, 17, 18, 19, and 20)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 74, Deshotel
Creates the state office of broadband (Item #39)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 75, McFarland
Provides relative to the disposition of timber severance taxes (Item #34)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 77, Davis
Provides relative to remote participation in meetings (Item #53)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 80, Owen, C.
Provides relative to the use of student assessment results for the 2020-2021 school year with respect to school and district accountability, teacher evaluation, and student promotion (#42)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 83, Romero
Provides relative to student discipline (Item #42)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 84, Edmonds
Provides relative to the expenditure of federal funds received as a result of a disaster or emergency (Item #27)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 89, James
Modifies the definition of “federal income tax liability” to include certain federal net disaster losses (Item #26)
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 94, Zeringue
Provides relative to fees charged to businesses by state agencies during a state of emergency (Items #2, 32, and 35)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 95, Butler
Requires the La. Department of Health to allow visitation of residents at intermediate care facilities by residents’ family members during a public health emergency (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 96, Freeman
Provides relative to sharing of student information for the purpose of administering the pandemic electronic benefits transfer (P-EBT) program (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HB 100, Newell
Provides relative to the Juvenile Justice Reform Act Implementation Commission’s powers and duties (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
HCR 2, Johnson, M.
Urges and requests the Louisiana Attorney General to investigate certain companies doing business in the state to determine if the companies have engaged in prohibited activities
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 3, Bourriaque
Memorializes congress and the Louisiana congressional delegation to take such actions as are necessary to require the Federal Emergency Management Agency to grant Louisiana full federal funding for disaster expenses associated with Hurricane Laura or to grant Louisiana the ability to utilize alternative sources of federal funds as any needed match if full funding is not provided
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 4, Bourriaque
Requests the division of administration, office of community development, to include certain activities as eligible expenses in the development of its Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery Program Action Plans
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 7, Coussan
Memorializes Congress to require the Federal Emergency Management Agency to more efficiently coordinate the removal of dislocated oilfield equipment after natural disasters in Louisiana
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 17, Romero
Requests the State Bd. of Elementary and Secondary Education to discuss possible adjustments to the Minimum Foundation Program formula in order to ensure adequate funding for school systems affected by Hurricane Laura
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 19, Johnson, M.
Provides relative to rural internet service (Item #67)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 21, Wheat
Requests the La. Dept. of Health to submit documentation to the federal Medicaid agency to provide financial relief for providers of services for people with developmental disabilities (Item #28)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 22, Johnson, T.
Urges and requests the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, office of tourism, to study the feasibility of creating a bike and walking trail along the Mississippi River in Northeast Louisiana
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 23, Schexnayder
Memorializes the United States Senate to confirm the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 24, Romero
Memorializes Congress and the Louisiana congressional delegation to take such actions as necessary to fully fund the Livestock Indemnity Program in response to the negative impact created by losses to the Louisiana livestock industry as a result of Hurricane Laura
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 26, Freiberg
Requests that the Bd. of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the Dept. of Education, issue guidance and policies relative to micro schools
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 27, Owen, C.
Commends Vernon Parish District Attorney Asa Skinner on his retirement
Current Status: 10/13/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 29, Butler
Amends administrative rules regarding leave of absence days for clients of intermediate care facilities (Items #28 and 29)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 30, Landry
Memorializes congress and the Louisiana congressional delegation to take such actions as are necessary to pass a stimulus plan that includes funds for unemployment, housing, and local government
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 31, Lyons
To urge and request agencies procuring supplies, services, and major repairs on an emergency basis to provide for greater transparency and competition in such procurements where practicable
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 34, Harris
Requests the governor to add Rapides Parish to the areas covered by the request for a federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Delta
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 35, Owen, C.
Commends the Louisiana National Guard on its service in 2020
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 36, Lyons
Creates a task force to study and make recommendations for replenishing the unemployment trust fund and increasing the unemployment compensation weekly benefit amount (Item #8)https://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 37, Thompson
Expresses condolences on the death of Dr. Keith Patrick Melancon
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 38, Coussan
Memorializes Congress and the Louisiana Delegation to defeat the “Oceans-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2020”
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 39, Hughes
Expresses the condolences of the legislature on the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne “Nat” LaCour, Jr.
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 40, Beaullieu
Expresses condolences on the death of Julien Marius Stokes
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HCR 41, McFarland
Commends Patrick Goldsmith on his retirement
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 1, Echols
Requests a study of the costs and benefits of setting Medicaid reimbursement rates for primary care services equivalent to Medicare rates for those services
Current Status: 10/14/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 2, Duplessis
Requests the clerks of court to develop and utilize innovative strategies to recruit commissioners for polling places
Current Status: 10/14/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 3, Stagni
Designates October 2020 as National Chiropractic Health Month in Louisiana
Current Status: 10/5/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 4, LaCombe
Commends Addis town councilman Wilson “Hook” Cazes for his service and dedication to the town of Addis
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 5, Schexnayder
Expresses condolences on the death of Joe A. Locke and posthumously commends his service
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 6, Fontenot
Commends Nathan Richard for his fundraising efforts
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 8, Thompson
Commends John Benjamin “JB” Humphrey on his one hundredth birthday
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 9, Firment
Expresses condolences on the death of Jerome Fred Scott, longtime mayor of the town of Pollock, Louisiana
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 10, Schexnayder
Expresses condolences on the death of John “Johnny” Amedee Frederic, Jr.
Current Status: 10/12/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 11, Newell
Commends Amozion Baptist Church in New Orleans on its one hundred fiftieth anniversary
Current Status: 10/12/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 12, Brass
Commends the JNC Foundation for its breast cancer awareness efforts, community service, and support for women of color
Current Status: 10/12/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 13, LaCombe
Expresses condolences on the death of John “Wayne” Torres, Sr.
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 14, Echols
Requests a study and report on nonemergency medical transportation in the Medicaid managed care program
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 15, Pierre
Requests the state Department of Education and Louisiana Department of Health to identify resources necessary to install water bottle filling stations in schools
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 16, Coussan
Expresses condolences on the death of James Michell “Jimmy” Bernhard
Current Status: 10/13/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 17, Echols
Requests the commissioner of alcohol and tobacco control and the La. Dept. of Health to grant no-cost extensions of bar and restaurant permits
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 19, Schexnayder
Commends Richard “Ricky” Thomas for his business, civic, and philanthropic service to the state of Louisiana and its citizens
Current Status: 10/14/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 20, Pierre
Commends JayVon Muhammed for her dedication to the health of her community
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 21, Jenkins
Commends Destiny Jamison on being named 2021 Middle School Counselor of the Year by the Louisiana School Counselor Association
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 22, Hughes
Expresses condolences on the death of Keith Gregory Barney
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 23, Newell
Expresses condolences on the death of George V. Rainey
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 24, Jefferson
Expresses condolences on the passing of Annie Ruth Johnson
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 25, Wheat
Expresses condolences on the death of Marlon Kearney Foster, former chief of detectives for the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 26, Carter, G.
Expresses condolences on the death of George V. Rainey
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 27, Owen, C.
Posthumously commends U.S. Army Private Charley F. Owen and other Louisianians who died in service to their country during World War I
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 28, James
Requests the House Committee on Judiciary to study how to mitigate the long term consequences of eviction records and rent debt on renters and this economy
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 29, Horton
Commends Joshua Hodges on his professional achievements and service to his country
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 30, Davis
Designates the week of October 11-17, 2020, as Sterile Processing Week in Louisiana
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 31, Horton
Commends Joshua Hodges on his professional achievements and service to his country
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 32, Hodges
Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study issues relating to traffic management along Louisiana Highway 16 in certain areas of Denham Springs, Louisiana
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 33, Stefanski
Requests the Judicial Council to study the feasibility of dividing the 15th Judicial District into two separate judicial districts
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 35, Hodges
Commends President Trump on his efforts in education reform
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 36, Davis
Commends Karen Burks on being named a 2020 Champion of Service by Volunteer Louisiana
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 37, James
Requests the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to reconvene the COVID-19 Furlough Review Panel
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 38, Pressly
Commends First Baptist Church School in Shreveport on its fiftieth anniversary
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 39, Harris
Commends McManus Timber Co. on being named 2020 Timber Harvesting Logging Business of the Year by Timber Harvesting Magazine
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 41, Jefferson
Expresses condolences on the death of Frederick “Fred” Rudolph Dean
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 42, Carrier
Commends Allen Parish district attorney, H. Todd Nesom, on his retirement
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 43, Selders
Expresses condolences on the death of Kwame I. Asante
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 44, Carter, G.
Urges and requests the secretary of state to work with the Department of Revenue, the Department of Economic Development, and the office of state procurement to create a central electronic repository of information, resources, training, and opportunities that small, rural, minority, female, and veteran entrepreneurs can access when registering their businesses with the state
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 45, Carter, G.
Urges and requests the Department of Economic Development to pioneer information campaigns aimed at small and emerging businesseshttps://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 46, Carter, G.
Urges and requests the Louisiana Bankers Association to provide small business information compiled by the Department of Economic Development to citizens who open commercial accounts or seek commercial loans
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 47, Carter, G.
Extends the termination date of the Committee on Minority, Female, and Veteran Enterprises
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 48, Carter, G.
Urges and requests the governor to modify small purchase procedures through an executive order
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 49, Carter, G.
Expresses support of the House of Representatives for making future stimulus programs for pandemic and disaster relief easier for minority, female, veteran, small, and rural business owners to access
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 50, Echols
Commends Sleepy Hollow Furniture and Mattress on its fortieth anniversary
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 51, Hilferty
Requests the state Department of Education to study the education and training requirements, compensation, and employment turnover rates of early childhood care and education teachers
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 52, Nelson
Expresses condolences on the death of Geoffrey Hingle
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 53, Owen, C.
Expresses condolences on the death of Samuel Suel
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 54, Owen, C.
Expresses condolences on the death of James LaVerne Jeter
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
HR 55, Willard
Commends the Pontchartrain Park Neighborhood Association on attaining historic designation on the National Register of Historic Places for the neighborhood of Pontchartrain Park in Orleans Parish
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Sent to Secretary of State upon signature of Speaker of the House
SB 1, Ward
Extends the carryforward period for the inventory tax credit for certain businesses
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 5, Hewitt
Authorizes Plaquemines Port, Harbor and Terminal District to apply for designation as a foreign trade zone
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 7, Hewitt
Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 12, Mills, R
Provides access for patients of hospitals and residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other adult residential care homes to members of the clergy who volunteer to minister and provide religious sacraments and services, counseling, and mental health support during COVID-19 and other public health emergencies
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 13, Peacock
Provides for the Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact (REPLICA)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 14, Johns
Expands the Louisiana New Markets Jobs Act tax credit to certain recovery zones
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
SB 15, Milligan
Requires first-day health insurance coverage for employees of public elementary and secondary school systems under certain circumstances
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 17, Hewitt
Provides relative to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
SB 18, Cathey
Provides an exemption to certain permit fees collected by the Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 20, Hewitt
Provides relative to voting and the holding of elections impaired as the result of a declared emergency or disaster
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 21, Hewitt
Provides for revisions to the fee structure and oversight of the in-service training and educational programs for state employees by the Department of State Civil Service
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 22, Hewitt
Provides for preparation and counting of absentee and early voting ballots
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 23, McMath
Requires school boards to accept certification of illness from a nurse practitioner or physician assistant when employees use leave due to personal illness
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 26, Peterson
Removes employees of the Regional Transit Authority from the state system and state civil service
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 27, Peacock
Provides relative to the practice of medicine
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 30, Milligan
Provides regarding purchase of telecommunications and video equipment by certain educational entities
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 31, Fields
Prohibits use of statewide student assessments conducted during the 2020-2021 school year for the purposes of evaluating teacher performance, making student placement decisions, or calculating school and district performance scores and letter grades
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 32, Fields
Grants certain operational autonomies to certain public postsecondary education institutions (gov sig) (Item #42)
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 33, Foil
Provides for revisions for Business Corporation Act relative to virtual shareholder meetings and mergers
Current Status: 9/28/2020 Assigned Act Number
SB 34, Peacock
Provides for the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC)
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 39, Hewitt
Provides for remote operations of the legislature during a gubernatorially declared state of emergency
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 41, Johns
Provides relative to provisional licenses issued by the state fire marshal
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 44, Fields
Constitutional amendment to allow the governor to appoint a graduate of a public postsecondary education institution who resides out-of-state to the management board of the institution
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting Act number from Secretary of State
SB 45, Fields
Provides that certain at-large members of postsecondary management boards may be appointed by the governor from graduates who reside out-of-state
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 49, Hewitt
Provides for the issuance of bonds by the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 50, Allain
Provides relative to the capital outlay process
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 52, Reese
Provides for credits for certain ad valorem taxes paid for the 2020 tax year
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 53, McMath
Provides for the rehiring of nonlicensed persons by certain health care providers required to temporarily close during a public health emergency
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 55, Cortez
Provides for the unemployment insurance procedure to be applied by the administrator for calendar year 2021
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 56, Talbot
Provides relative to health maintenance organizationshttps://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Current Status: 10/20/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 62, Smith
Provides for the refundable portion of the inventory tax credit for certain manufacturers impacted by the 2020 emergencies and disasters
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 67, Reese
Authorizes the Department of Economic Development to provide an extension for certain job creation requirements for enterprise zone incentives and quality jobs incentive rebates due to the impacts of COVID-19 and Hurricane Laura
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 69, Johns
Provides relative to emergency service plans of certain providers
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 71, Peacock
Provides for participation in certain meetings by teleconferencing or other electronic means for legislative bodies
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 72, Talbot
Authorizes an income tax credit for certain businesses whose operations were interrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 74, Cloud
Provides relative to election offenses affecting registration and election fraud or forgery
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SB 77, Smith
Provides relative to fantasy sports
Current Status: 10/22/2020 Enrolled, awaiting governor’s action
SCR 1, Foil
Expresses condolences upon the death of Frank Leonard.
Current Status: 10/1/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 2, Fields
Requests LCTCS and SOWELA administrators to work together to study the impacts of Hurricane Laura on the institution and its student body in order to inform any legislative requests for the 2021 Regular Session.
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 3, Cathey
Requests the Board of Regents to study allowing TOPS and GO Grant awards to be used for summer semester immediately following high school graduation.
Current Status: 10/19/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 5, Reese
Suspends certain provisions of law relative to unemployment tax increases and benefit reductions
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 6, Abraham
Requests BESE to hold a special meeting and adopt adjustments to the MFP formula to ensure that school districts impacted by Hurricane Laura do not lose MFP funding during the 2020-2021 fiscal year due to decreases in student enrollment.
Current Status: 10/15/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 7, Peacock
Expresses sincere condolences upon the death of Sister Joan Martinette Rivers, OLS.
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 9, Cortez
Suspends the provision of law providing for an unemployment insurance solvency tax
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 10, Foil
Requests that the Louisiana State Law Institute study certain matters pertaining to the Louisiana Trust Code.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 11, Allain
Expresses sincere condolences upon the death of Governor Murphy James “Mike” Foster Jr.
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 13, Hewitt
Commends Eugene Lussan on the celebration of his 100th birthday.
Current Status: 10/14/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SCR 14, Carter
Requests that teachers, members of law enforcement, and firefighters be given preference for COVID-19 testing.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 1, Tarver
Resolves that a committee be appointed to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate has convened and organized and is prepared to transact business.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 2, Tarver
Resolves that a committee be appointed to act with a similar House committee to notify the governor that the legislature has convened and organized and is prepared to receive his communications.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 3, Fields
Expresses sincere and heartfelt condolences of the Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the death of James Michell “Jimmy” Bernhard.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 4, Boudreaux
Commends Dr. Kim Hunter Reed on being chosen as the recipient of the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association’s (SHEEO) 2020 Exceptional Leader Award.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 5, Bernard
Expresses condolences on the death of Philip and Pauline Ackel.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 6, Boudreaux
Expresses condolences on the death of Kenny and Missy Hix.
Current Status: 10/2/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 7, Foil
Expresses condolences upon the death of Roby Bearden Jr.
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 8, Foil
Expresses condolences upon the death of Joseph “Joe” L. Anjier.
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 9, Reese
Commends Kenneth R. “Kenny” Cryer upon his retirement.
Current Status: 10/7/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 10, Smith
To commend Angelle Bourgeois upon being selected as the 2021 Elementary School Teacher of the Year by the Louisiana Department of Education.
Current Status: 10/13/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 11, Cathey
Commends John Benjamin Humphrey on the occasion of his one hundredth birthday.
Current Status: 10/13/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 12, Barrow
Commends the Phillip’s Masonic Lodge 238 and the Progressive Chapter 186 Order of the Eastern Star upon their fiftieth anniversary.
Current Status: 10/13/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 13, Boudreaux
Expresses condolences on the death of Louis Woodson.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 14, Foil
Expresses condolences upon the death of Esther Elizabeth Streng Staats.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 15, Foil
Expresses sincere condolences upon the death of Rt. Rev. James Malone Coleman.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 16, Foil
COMMENDATION. Commends Captain Kenneth Wayne Martin upon his promotion to Uniform Patrol Commander in the Baton Rouge Police Department.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 17, Carter
Expresses the condolences on the death of George Rainey, oldest elected king of Zulu.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 18, Lambert
Expresses condolences upon the death of Terry Edmund Edwards.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 19, Foilhttps://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Expresses condolences upon the death of James Raymond “Jim” LeBlanc.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 20, Foil
Expresses sincere condolences upon the death of Sylvia Bernadette Sullivan Duke.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 21, Boudreaux
Commends Jerry Romero on the occasion of his retirement from Acadian Ambulance after 44 years of service.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 22, Luneau
Requests the Department of Revenue to create a task force to study and make recommendations to minimize employee misclassification.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 23, Harris
Requests the Lakefront Management Authority to keep the westbound lanes of traffic open on Lakeshore Drive to vehicular traffic and to allow two-way traffic between the Senator Ted Hickey Bridge and Franklin Avenue on weekends.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 24, Carter
Expresses condolences upon the death of Lizzie Mae Henry Charles, community activist in the Algiers Cut-Off neighborhood.
Current Status: 10/21/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 25, Bouie
Commends the Booker T. Washington High School Lady Lions basketball team on winning the state championship.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 26, Boudreaux
Expresses condolences upon the untimely death of Cheryl Larkin Castille.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 27, Abraham
Requests the Judicial Council to study the feasibility of dividing the 15th Judicial District into two separate judicial districts.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 28, Fesi
Requests the Louisiana Department of Health to report on the use and results of hydroxychloroquine for treating Medicaid recipients relative to COVID-19.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 29, Mizell
Requests the state Department of Education to study the education and training requirements, compensation, and employment turnover rates of early childhood care and education teachers.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 30, Fields
Expresses condolences upon the death of Dietrich H. Fields.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 31, Johns
Commends Jackie DeVall upon his retirement from the Office of Conservation after more than 54 years of service.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 32, Hensgens
Expresses condolences on the death of Rose A. Broussard.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senatehttps://4a4165e50262dd4decc6a070e43dac0c.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
SR 33, Jackson
Commends Pastor Bobby J. Douglas on being inducted into the Louisiana High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 34, Cloud
Commends the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office for their work in response to Hurricane Laura.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 35, Reese
Commends Brigadier General Patrick D. Frank, commanding general of the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk, for his accomplishments.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 36, Johns
Expresses condolences upon the death of Marilyn “Cissie” Qualls McLeod.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 37, Morris
Designates October 22, 2020, as Cataract Awareness Day at the Louisiana State Capitol.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 38, Cortez
Expresses condolences upon the death of Louis B. Roth Jr.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 39, Barrow
Requests the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy to study and make recommendations relative to pharmacists’ testing, screening, and treatment of certain health conditions.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 40, Barrow
Requests the Louisiana Department of Health to report on vaccination rates for children ages three through seventeen.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 41, Barrow
Commends the Elvin Howard, Sr. Pancreatic Cancer Advocacy Foundation on its commitment to ensuring that the citizens of Louisiana are informed and aware of the issues specifically associated with pancreatic cancer.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 42, Mizell
Authorizes and directs the re-creation of the Louisiana Women’s Incarceration Task Force.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 43, Jackson
Establishes a task force to study crime and crime prevention in Morehouse Parish and requires the task force to make recommendations.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 44, Jackson
Establishes a task force to study crime and crime prevention in Ouachita Parish and requires the task force to make recommendations.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 45, Foil
Commends Neal Risley Elliott III for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 46, Reese
Expresses condolences upon the death of James LaVerne Jeter.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 47, Barrow
Expresses condolences upon the death of two-year old Azariah Christien Thomas.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 48, Mizell
Directs the Department of Children and Family Services to comply with Senate Resolution 52 of the 2020 First Extraordinary Session and report to the legislature on the impact and success of the department’s guidelines on care setting decision making for children under age six.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 49, Barrow
Requests a study of the decline in health insurance coverage among children in the state.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 50, Jackson
Requests the Department of Children and Family Services and the Louisiana Department of Health to study further ways to protect certain developmentally and physically disabled TANF recipients from sexual and physical exploitation or abuse by certain caregivers.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 51, Barrow
Memorializes Congress to enact legislation to further protect certain developmentally and physically disabled social security, SSI, and veterans benefits recipients from sexual and physical exploitation or abuse by payees and fiduciaries.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 52, Barrow
Recreates and provides for Task Force on Prevention of Human Degradation and Exploitation of Vulnerable Individuals in Community-Based Residential Settings.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 53, Milligan
Commends Anna Cole for her bravery as she combats breast cancer and recognizes her selflessness in encouraging others.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 54, Carter
Expresses wholehearted support for law enforcement and police departments and rejects any notion to defund law enforcement or police departments in Louisiana.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 55, Mizell
Requests appointment of a committee to notify the governor that the legislature is ready to adjourn sine die.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate
SR 56, Mizell
Requests appointment of a committee to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate is ready to adjourn sine die.
Current Status: 10/23/2020 Enrolled; sent to Secretary of State upon signature of President of the Senate