The Most Frustrating Things AV Installers Hear from Clients
9.2519 – CI
What are audio visual installers sick and tired of hearing from clients? Plenty… but mostly, it’s about money and how to do their jobs.
But for those of you who… just… need a moment to deal, we hope you’ll take some amount of solace in the fact that you are absolutely not the only one who just had to explain to a client why you need an internet connection to keep Pandora playing music, or why you can’t just buy it on Amazon, or why it actually isn’t possible to install a whole corporate office room collaboration system an hour before the big meeting…
Let me be clear: we at Commercial Integrator firmly believe in the idea that most integration firms could probably improve their customer service. There’s always room for improvement. But we have to admit that there must be times when AV installers wish the clients would improve, not the other way around.
We asked members of the AV Install Nightmares Facebook group what they’re just plain sick of hearing from clients. Here’s what they said.
Price Complainers
By far the most common thing audio visual installers reported was that they’ve dealt with some really lame price bargaining. Clients will try anything to save a buck — and to a certain extent, that’s admirable…
…But when they don’t take into consideration the basics — like, say, your time — it’s really, really obnoxious.
This example is particularly sigh-worthy. But glad others chimed in with their support:
The Ones Who Think They Know Something You Don’t
They’re trying to tell you how to do your job better, or what you could specifically do to meet each and every one of their demands. But it’s either not correct, or not in the contract…
The Just Plain Stupid Ones
…. HOW?!
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