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We have found 7 of the strangest laws on the books in Texas regarding driving.

By the way, don’t even THINK about letting your camel run loose on the beach in Galveston, Texas, or riding your horse at a fast speed on a Texarkana, Texas sidewalk.

Granted, those aren’t about driving in particular but truly bizarre and fascinating, nonetheless.  

I’m personally thankful for the traffic laws we have on the books when driving around Tyler, Texas. We have enough problems as it is without worrying about uncaged bears in the backseat of our vehicles.

Wait, WHAT?

Yep, that is actually a law on the books in Texas. Although I’m not sure what happened that led to the law needing to be added to the books, it certainly makes sense.

Granted, not all of these laws are quite that strange, but they will likely surprise some of us. There are also city-specific laws here in Texas that don’t apply statewide. For example, when driving in El Paso, Texas, drivers are technically supposed to give a little honk when passing another car.

Yeah, that particular law isn’t enforced on the regular, I’m thinking.

In another Texas city, it is illegal to drive without a steering wheel. UM. So, maybe that would make sense to apply everywhere unless one is planning on driving with their Jedi mind powers?

Some of these laws are a bit outdated and need a little tweak here and there and became law in reaction to specific situations.

Whatever the case, they are still on the books. Let’s take a look at the 7 weirdest driving laws on the books in Texas.

The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

Hey, be thankful for these laws. We have enough problems as it is without worrying about uncaged bears in the backseat of our Texas vehicles.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

woman with teddy bear in car


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

It’s illegal to drive with an “uncaged bear” in the back. OH, thank goodness…wait, WHAT? Yeah, I’d love to know what happened that caused the law to be passed. (Thankfully, this law doesn’t apply to teddy bears.)

bare feet out car window
bare feet out car window


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

No driving without shoes or with bare feet. Whoops. Um. I’m glad to know this. Not that any of us have ever done this, of course.

honking car horn
honking car horn


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

You can’t drive without a car horn. Aha, this explains why when we go to get our inspection renewed, they always honk the horn. No, they’re not just saying ‘hi.’

blindfold on person
blindfold on person


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

No driving blindfolded allowed. OK, we have GOT to find the back story on this one. Also, it’s bizarre that we’d even have to pass a law like this. Were some of these laws enacted in response to circus performers?

windshield wipers
windshield wipers


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

It’s illegal to drive without windshield wipers in the rain. But, windshields are…optional? Yeah, that makes sense.

rearview mirror
rearview mirror


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

You must have a rearview mirror. Well, this one may the least weird one on the list.

Red light
Red light


The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas

You can’t drive with a red light on the inside of a car. Any guesses why? Well, there’s a concern it would confuse as to whether or not it is a first responder’s vehicle. That makes sense.

Read More: The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas | https://knue.com/weird-texas-laws/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral