9.6.22 – WVLT -NEW MARKET, Tenn.
Jefferson County schools now have another tool to keep students safe.
Video cameras inside and outside all 13 Jefferson County Schools can now be viewed live by Jefferson County E-911 call dispatchers. The school system had video cameras at and around each school before, but upgraded this summer, something the Director of Schools, Tommy Arnold, said cost about $300,000.
Dispatchers can quickly log in if someone calls 911 and direct responders at an emergency scene by moving the cameras, zooming in, and looking at different schools’ floor plans.
“I think that it is going to help tremendously to avoid any delays. You know, seconds count in emergencies. And anytime that we have resources where we can cut off those seconds, I think that we’re meeting our goals and our mission in public safety,” Jefferson County E-911 Executive Director, Justin Crowther, said.
There are more than 1,000 cameras on school grounds. All E-911 dispatchers will be trained to use this technology.
“We didn’t want to do anything that would stand in the way of emergency personnel being able to enter our schools and help our staff members and students in case of an emergency,” Jefferson County Director of Schools, Tommy Arnold, explained.
Blount County E-911 also has this technology and can tap into video cameras at Blount County Schools, Alcoa City Schools and Maryville City Schools.
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