4.7.22 – KFOR

OG&E customers could soon see their bills increase if the company’s newest proposal is approved.
OG&E is seeking an annual increase of $163.5 million to recover business costs and electric infrastructure investments the company has made since 2012.No suspects after brothers shot at random on I-40 in Del City
Officials say the increase would raise an average residential customer’s bill by about $9.98 a month.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission will begin hearings on OG&E’s request for the rate incrase on May 26 at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 301 on the Third Floor of the Jim Thorpe Building.
After public comment has concluded, the hearing will be recessed and will resume on June 14. After the hearing is finished, an administrative law judge will file a recommendation with the OCC.Missing Indiana couple found in Nevada, 1 of them dead
However, it will be up to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to issue a final order.
In addition to the opportunity to appear and be heard at 1:30 p.m. on May 26, the public may submit written comments by mail to the Clerk, Oklahoma Corporation Commission, 2101 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73105. Written comments should be titled as “Public Comment” and clearly reference “PUD 202100164.”