10.23.18- OKBFAA
It is that time of year again when the board will be entertaining new nominations on the board. The good news is that we had two new board members this past year, so we don’t have anyone we immediately need to replace, but wanted to give the option for anyone interested in stepping up or giving us a nomination. All names should be given to Danna by Nov 9 so we can talk to the candidates. The board will make determinations and recommendations on November 20 to be adopted in December. Remember that meeting is the only business meeting we have each year, and it is important to have as many of you as possible to approve the budget, the board, and any bylaw changes if necessary.
Think about your organization if you have someone interested in joining the board, please let us know by November 9. It really involves one 90 minute conference call 10 months out of the year, and 2 in person lunch and meetings for a few hours each year, one in June and one in November. Thank you!
Mark your calendars for our Holiday LUNCH and SOCIAL – December 5, 2018 – Ted’s Escondido in OKC. Details and RSVP info forthcoming.
Steven Brekel