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10.7.23 – Eye On Annapolis

The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration and Maryland Department of Environment have announced that modernized Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP) regulations adopted in January 2023 went into effect Wednesday, October 4. Under the new program rules, vehicle models 2019 or newer with original ownership are exempt from emissions testing for the first six years of the vehicle’s life. After the initial test at the six-year mark, testing is required every two years.

“Vehicles manufactured six years ago or newer have an average pass rate of nearly 99%,” said Motor Vehicle Administrator Chrissy Nizer. “Advancements in vehicle technology mean new vehicles maintain lower emissions levels over a longer period of time.”

The modernized regulations only apply to newly purchased vehicles, which impacts approximately 200,000 vehicles. Change of ownership and out of state vehicles will continue to be treated as used vehicles and therefore be tested two years after the vehicle is purchased.

“These modernized regulations allow the Motor Vehicle Administration and the Maryland Department of Environment to make enhancements to our VEIP program that improve customer service and convenience while maintaining air quality progress,” said Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld. “We’re committed to providing Marylanders with a world-class transportation system, and that includes convenience, efficiency, access and environmental responsibility.”

“The Maryland Department of the Environment is committed to ensuring that regulations protect the environment and public health but do not needlessly inconvenience the citizens of our state,” said Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Serena McIlwain. “These modernized regulations just make sense, because new vehicles with updated technology are virtually certain to pass an emissions test.”

The Motor Vehicle Administration has begun rolling out new testing dates through customer myMVA online accounts. Customers who are unsure if their vehicle falls under the new rules are encouraged to sign up for a myMVA online account, which gives customers a complete view of their driver and vehicle information – including their next scheduled VEIP testing date and the ability to request a testing date extension or exemption – as well as complete online services and view any correspondence sent by the agency. Additionally, customers will be notified by email approximately eight weeks prior to their new testing date.

With implementation of the modernized VEIP guidelines, Maryland’s program rules are consistent with many other states, such as Delaware and California, that grant waivers for newer vehicle models due to their high passage rate.

VEIP has been a cornerstone air quality program in Maryland for three decades. Initially implemented in 1984, the VEIP has been revised several times over the years to reflect technological advancements in both vehicle emissions control systems, and inspection and maintenance testing methods. The VEIP also provides for repair waivers for motorists who demonstrate efforts to repair their vehicles to pass VEIP testing. Other exceptions are provided for motorists who are senior citizens, disabled, or out of state due to active military service and meet certain requirements. For more information on VEIP testing, click here.