7.1.22 -KWCH
July 1 marks the start of several new laws in Kansas, but for most, it won’t bring any noticeable change.
While lawmakers have legalized sports betting, and the new lottery law is now in effect, betting on games is still likely months away. It likey won’t happen until football season.
According to Governor Laura Kelly, negotiations with the state’s four federally recognized tribes to modify their gaming compacts to allow sports betting are proceeding.
Another law taking into effect Friday is the “Axe the Food Tax,” but you won’t see any decreases until the new year. The law will wait until January 1 to reduce the 6.5% sales tax on food to 4 %. The rate will gradually drop until it hits 0% in 2025.
In six months, instead of paying the second-highest state tax rate on groceries, Kansans will be paying the fifth-highest.
Republican lawmakers authored the bill after rejecting legislation from Democrats that would have cut the tax to 0% starting July 1.
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