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3.21.23 – WYPR – 88.1 FM Baltimore | By Matt Bush

MD Senate

Crossover Day in the Maryland General Assembly was on March 20, an important deadline that determines if a bill will be able to pass this session, which ends April 10. Bills must pass at least one chamber by Crossover Day to ensure they get a committee hearing in the other chamber, a necessity for them to be approved. If a bill has not passed one chamber by Crossover Day, its chances of passage are minimal.

Bills are often introduced with the same language in both chambers to give them more of a chance of passage. Many of the bills listed below are dual filings. Bills that pass one chamber can be changed by the other. If approved with changes, the amended bill goes back to its original chamber. That body can approve it, reject it, or call for a conference committee. That committee would craft an agreed upon amended bill for approval by both chambers.

Below is a selected list of bills that passed one chamber by Crossover Day.

Editor’s Note: Bookmark this page as the list will be updated as bills pass the other chamber.


HB200 – (passed House 3/17 on 131-5 vote, amended version passed Senate 3/23 on 47-0 vote)

HB202 – (passed House 3/17 on 111-24 vote, amended version passed Senate 3/23 on 47-0 vote)

Read more:

Budget passed by Maryland House doesn’t give BOOST a boost


SB1 – Sets limits where concealed carry permit holders can take their firearms, including prohibiting firearms in ‘sensitive places’ such as schools, government buildings, and retail establishments that sell alcohol for consumption on-site (Passed Senate 3/13 on 31-16 vote)
Read more: Limits on where guns can be carried in public clear initial vote in Maryland Senate

SB185/HB3 – Requires Maryland State Police Gun Center to track all firearms surrendered through final protective orders (SB185 passed Senate 3/13 on 47-0 vote, HB3 passed House 3/2 on 124-13 vote)

SB858 – Jaelynn’s Law, defines requirements around storage of guns in the home and increases penalties for violators (passed Senate 3/15 on 36-10 vote)
Read more: Jaelynn’s Law passes Maryland Senate, tightening requirements about gun storage

HB824 – Bans individuals from receiving a concealed carry permit if the person is on probation for a crime punishable for more than a year imprisonment, been involuntarily committed to a treatment facility for more than 30 days, or has a history of violence against another person (passed House 3/16 by 98-39)


SB5/HB13 – Allows victims of hate crimes to bring civil lawsuits against those who committed the act (SB5 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB13 passed House 3/2 on 106-30 vote)

SB21/HB226 – Expands definitions of ‘persons of authority’ for certain sex crimes (SB21 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB226 passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)

SB74/HB483 – Makes DUI’s for boating count as successive DUI’s for prior convictions for DUI’s while operating a vehicle and vice-versa (SB74 passed Senate 2/17 on 43-0 vote, HB483 passed House on 2/23 on 138-0 vote)
Read more: Maryland Senate approves tougher penalties for repeat DUI offenders

SB129/HB4 – Repeals spousal defense for rape and sexual offense crimes (SB129 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB4 passed House 3/2 on 136-0 vote)

SB252 – Sherry and Christian’s Law, requires those charged with reckless driving in a crash that resulted in death of another person to appear in court and not prepay fines (passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote)

SB290 – Gives power to Maryland Attorney General’s office to prosecute law enforcement officer-involved incidents that resulted in death (passed Senate 3/9 on 27-20 vote)
Read more: Maryland Senate gives initial OK to allow AG’s office to do police-involved killing prosecutions

SB292/HB297 – Prohibits criminal prosecution or juvenile proceedings against minors if offense was committed as a direct result of child sex trafficking (SB292 passed Senate 3/20 on 45-0 vote, HB297 passed House 2/24 on 138-0 vote)

SB684 – Jaycee Webster Victims’ Rights Act, requires inclusion of name and telephone number of the lead victim services employee of the appropriate State’s Attorney’s office in a specified required notification given to a victim, victim’s representative, or witness regarding the release from confinement of a sentenced defendant or child respondent (passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote)

SB760 – Prohibits employers from employing security guards unless they are certified, requires Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission to identify or establish training programs for certified security guards (passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote)

HB159 – Adds purchaser in straw purchasing of guns to crimes that police can make arrest without a warrant (passed House 2/28 on 115-19 vote)

HB853 – Gives full authority over Baltimore City Police Commissioner to Baltimore City (passed House 3/20 on 117-19)

HB1071 – Prohibits law enforcement from using the suspected odor of cannabis as cause for search for contraband (passed House 3/18 on 99-34 vote)
Read more: Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland priorities span from marijuana legalization equity to health, education


SB341/HB477 – Requires institutions of higher learning to develop a reproductive health services plan in consultation with students by August 1, 2024 (SB341 passed 3/14 on 31-13 vote, HB477 passed House 3/20 on 99-37 vote)

SB786/HB812 – Requires Maryland Health Care Commission to ensure confidentiality of data of patients who have obtained ‘legally protected health care’ including reproductive health care (SB786 passed Senate 3/20 on 31-12 vote, HB812 passed House 3/20 on 98-37 vote)

SB798/HB705 – Creates voter referendum for November 2024 election that enshrines in Maryland Constitution individual’s right to reproductive freedom including ability to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy (SB798 passed Senate 3/14 on 32-15 vote, HB705 passed House 3/10 on 99-37 vote)
Read more: 2024 Voter referendum on abortion rights gets first OK in Maryland General Assembly

SB859 – Prohibits a judge from requiring a person give testimony or statements in another state regarding a person who sought ‘legally protected health care’ in Maryland including reproductive health care, prohibits regulators or insurers from taking adverse or disciplinary actions against a provider for providing reproductive health care in Maryland (passed Senate 3/17 on 33-11 vote)


SB111 – Puts draft and exploratory committees under certain state campaign finance laws (passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote)

SB269/HB192 – Prohibits those falling under Maryland campaign finance law from making or accepting financial contributions using cryptocurrency (SB269 passed Senate 3/9 on 47-0 vote, HB192 passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)

SB287/HB509 – Requires Maryland Board of Elections to post municipal election results on its website, gives municipalities 30 days to send results once they’re certified to MD BOE (passed Senate 3/2 on 45-0 vote, HB509 passed House)

SB339 – Requires petitioner for a recount to select the method for the recount from specified methods, requires local boards of elections in a manual recount to count duplicate ballot after review of voter-verifiable paper records (passed Senate 3/2 on 45-0 vote)

SB379/HB535 – Allows absentee ballots to be processed but not counted ahead of Election Day, expands ability to correct failure to sign oath on absentee ballot, changes 2024 primary date to second Tuesday in May (SB379 passed Senate 3/14 on 33-11 vote, HB535 passed House 3/10 on 99-37 vote)

SB863/HB899 – Changes requirements to remove from office the State Administrator of Elections to require 4 of 5 members of State Board of Elections to vote for removal (SB863 passed Senate 3/2 on 43-2 vote, HB899 passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)

HB130 – Requires that any manufacturer of election equipment used in Maryland report to state Board of Election any components manufactured outside of U.S. and any material changes to components that occur outside of U.S. (passed House 2/16 on 135-0 vote)

HB410 – Prohibits local Boards of Election from voting to move a polling place until a public hearing is held on the proposed move with the chance for the public to testify (passed House 3/16 on 138-0 vote)

HB742 – Prohibits an individual from holding or running for a political party office while holding an elected office and vice-versa (passed House 3/16 on 99-39 vote)

HB1200 – Requires election judges be paid $250 per day, and $50 for each course of instruction completed (passed House 3/16 on 121-16)


SB251/HB141 – Renames Maryland Commission on LGBTQ Affairs to Maryland Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs (SB251 passed Senate 2/17 on 32-11 vote, HB141 passed House 3/2 on 101-35 vote)

SB460/HB283 – Trans Health Equity Act, requires Medicaid in Maryland to provide coverage for gender-affirming treatments (SB460 passed Senate 3/20 on 31-15 vote, HB283 passed House 3/18 on 93-37 vote)
Read more: Maryland expanding trans health care to Medicaid passes House in nick of time advocates say

HB576 – Prevents school officials from disclosing bullying incidents over sexual orientation or gender identity to parents unless victim gives consent (passed House 3/16 on 103-34 vote)
Read more: Trans and gay students would if parents are told of school bullying under bill approved by Maryland House


SB31/HB153 – Expands voting power of student member of Baltimore City School Board of Commissioners, also sets up elections of student member by high school students in school system (SB31 passed Senate 3/16 on 47-0 vote, HB153 passed House 3/20 on 115-19)

SB120/HB78 – Requires local school boards to create guidelines by 2024-2025 school year to disclose food allergens in food served at their schools (SB120 passed Senate 3/7 on 47-0 vote, HB78 passed House 2/16 on 134-0 vote)

SB248/HB384 – Prohibits institutions of higher education from withholding requested transcripts because of outstanding student debt (passed Senate 3/2 on 45-0 vote, HB384 passed House 3/9 on 131-7 vote)

SB610 – Establishes virtual education requirements for public schools, and allows for virtual education days for severe weather conditions under certain circumstances (passed Senate 3/17 on 30-14 vote)

HB175 – Expands voting rights of student member of Baltimore County Board of Education (passed House 3/20 by 98-32 vote)

HB185 – Bans corporal punishment at non-public schools and child care providers (passed House 223 on 132-5 vote)

HB210 – Requires elected members of the Baltimore County Board of Education be elected in gubernatorial election years, and appointed members be chosen during presidential election years, terminates appointments of current appointed members on December 1, 2024 (passed House 3/20 on 133-0 vote)

HB266 – Requires all public schools to purchase bronchodilators and establish policies for their use by school personnel for use in emergencies by 2024-2025 school year (passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)

HB343 – Sets limits for how many games a season a public school basketball team may play (passed House on 3/9 by 137-0 vote)

HB515 – Prohibits active shooter drills in schools that include specific activities that could be traumatic to students or staff, requires parental notification in advance of active shooter drills, requires mental help be offered following drills (passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)


SB80/HB386 – Establishes fishing licenses for invasive blue and flathead catfish using a trotline (SB80 passed Senate 2/2 on 45-0 vote, HB386 passed House 3/2 on 135-0 vote)

SB170 – Requires developers of energy generation contracts follow prevailing wage guidelines (passed Senate 3/3 on 33-13 vote)

SB222 – Requires by April 1, 2026 all producers selling packaging materials in Maryland have an agreement with the Maryland Department of the Environment to reduce the amount of packaging materials used (passed Senate 3/17 on 32-13 vote)

SB224 – Clean Trucks Act, requires Maryland Department of the Environment by December 1, 2023 to establish regulations for the sale of new zero-emission medium and heavy duty trucks in the state (passed Senate 3/2 on 33-11 vote)

SB262/HB253 – Allows farmers to use food scraps from off-site locations as part of their composting (SB262 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB253 passed House 3/9 on 138-0 vote)

SB611/HB874 – Creates Environment and Natural Resources Monitoring Unit within Maryland Attorney General’s Office to investigate and prosecute crimes against environment and natural resources (SB611 passed Senate 3/17 on 34-11 vote, HB874 passed House)

SB741/HB1011 – Ends limits on use of refrigerants that are acceptable for use under Federal Clean Air Act (SB741 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB1011 passed House)

SB781 – Requires Maryland Public Service Commission increase offshore wind energy, sets up subsidies for increased offshore wind energy (passed Senate 3/17 on 33-12 vote)

SB813 – Requires at least 40% funding in a comprehensive flood management grant go to projects in areas with an ‘Environmental Justice’ score of .76 or greater (passed Senate 3/17 on 39-6 vote)

SB880/HB843 – Creates Baltimore Regional Governance Water Task Force, requires from task force be sent to Baltimore Mayor, Baltimore County Executive, Maryland Governor, and Maryland General Assembly by January 30, 2024 (SB880 passed Senate 3/20 on 43-0 vote, HB843 passed House 3/16 on 133-4 vote)
Read more: Baltimore City and County want a fresh look at shared water system

HB90 – Allows local governments to create ordinances and fines for selling, planting, and growing of invasive strains of bamboo (passed House 3/15 on 131-8 vote)

HB261 – Requires Maryland Department of General Services to set maximum acceptable global warming potential for each category of cement or concrete mixture used for public construction projects by January 1, 2025 (passed House 3/20 on 103-31 vote)

HB352 – Requiring any freight train that uses the same rail corridor as a high-speed passenger or commuter train to have an operating crew of at least two (passed House 3/9 on 107-28 vote)


SB3 – Requires Governor to include $12 million in budget starting in fiscal year 2025 for 9-8-8 trust fund (passed Senate 1/30 on 46-0 vote)
Read more: Maryland lawmakers may spend $12 million to improve mental health crisis line if bill moves forward

SB154 – Requires Maryland Department of Health to develop public awareness campaign encouraging use of mental health directives (passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote)

HB121 – Requires treatment plans for individuals in certain mental health facilities to include a discharge goal and estimated length of stay (passed House 3/20 on 126-0 vote)

HB162 – Creates voluntary ‘Do Not Sell’ firearm list (passed House 3/14 on 96-36 vote)
Read more: Voluntary ‘Do Not Sell’ firearm list clears first vote in Maryland General Assembly


SB11 – Reduces radius of what is considered a ‘school-zone’ for traffic purposes from .5 miles to .1 miles (Passed Senate 2/17 on 43-0 vote)

SB19/HB9 – Requires Maryland Department of Transportation to include equity as a factor when creating future transportation plans, reports, and goals (SB19 passed Senate 3/20 on 33-13 vote, HB9 passed House 3/20 on 96-35 vote)
Read more: Supporters hope a new Governor means equity will be considered in Maryland’s future transportation projects

SB227 – Adds Anne Arundel County to Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and Prince George’s County where police departments can recover costs for impoundment, storage, and sale of abandoned vehicles (passed Senate 3/20 on 44-0 vote)

SB229 – Allows local governments to set up noise abatement systems on state and local highways, sets up warning and fines for those who violate vehicle noise laws (passed Senate 3/20 on 36-7 vote)

SB249 – Requires Maryland Vehicle Administration to include in standardized drivers education curriculum the dangers of driving while under the influence of cannabis (passed Senate 3/7 on 47-0 vote)

SB545 – Allows businesses that possess vehicles that have been towed to close from midnight to 6 a.m. (passed Senate 3/16 on 29-18 vote)

SB617/HB673 – Removes Maryland Transit Administration fare rates from rising or falling alongside Consumer Price Index (SB617 passed Senate 3/20 on 32-13 vote, HB673 passed House 3/15 on 102-35 vote)

SB876/HB794 – Creates Baltimore Regional Transit Commission with one senior planning and two junior planning staff positions (SB876 passed Senate 3/17 on 34-11 vote, HB794 passed House 3/15 on 103-34 vote)

HB71 – Requires public school bus drivers pass appropriate medical examination before employment and then every two years after employment (passed House 3/2 on 137-0 vote)

HB123 – Allows drivers of plug-in electric vehicles to use HOV lanes regardless of how many passengers are in vehicle (passed House 3/3 on 103-30 vote)
Read more: Maryland lawmakers want electric vehicles in HOV lanes again

HB1207 – Requires rear passengers on motorcycles to be able to place feet on footrests unless they have a physical disability (passed House 3/15 on 135-2 vote)


SB36/HB14 – Repeals ability of courts to grant limited divorces, alters grounds for absolute divorce (SB36 passed Senate 3/2 on 33-10 vote, HB14 passed House 3/2 on 133-0 vote)

SB90/HB37 – Stop the Spam Calls Act, restricting telephone solicitations for non-charities (SB90 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB37 passed House on 3/10 on 134-0 vote)

SB97 – Allows those convicted of felonies to serve on juries once certain post-release conditions are met (Passed Senate 3/17 on 29-16 vote)

SB232/HB172 – Allows licensed athletic trainers to perform dry needling techniques like acupuncture (SB232 passed Senate 3/2 on 44-1 vote, HB172 passed House 3/15 on 138-0 vote)

SB450/HB215 – Prohibits landlords from limiting or evicting tenants for repeatedly summoning law enforcement or emergency services (SB450 passed Senate 3/10 on 45-1 vote, HB215 passed House 2/28 on 97-37 vote)

SB551/HB546 – Creates service-year option for recent high school graduates (SB 551 passed Senate 3/17 on 37-9 vote, HB546 passed House 3/16 on 128-10 vote)
Read more: Gov. Moore defends use of executive order to get his ‘service-year option’ program rolling

SB552/HB547 – Family Prosperity Act, permanently extends Earned Income Tax Credits first started in wake of COVID-19 pandemic (SB552 passed Senate 3/20 on 32-13 vote, HB547 passed House 3/10 on 101-35 vote)

SB555 – Speeds up adoption of $15 per hour minimum wage in Maryland (passed Senate 3/17 on 31-14 vote)

SB591 – Raises pay rate where employers can institute non compete or conflict of interest clauses for jobs to $22.50 per hour (passed Senate 3/13 on 47-0 vote)

SB 686 – Child Victims Act, eliminates statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims to bring civil action, allowing them to sue at any age (passed Senate 3/16 on 42-5 vote)
Read more: Bill allowing child sex abuse victims to sue at any age clears another vote in Maryland Senate

SB839/HB902 – Extends timeframe that workers can file a workers compensation claim for a hernia suffered while working (SB839 passed Senate 3/17 on 45-0 vote, HB902 passed House 3/18 on 124-10 vote)
Read more: Maryland lawmakers want to change workers comp for when hernias happen at work

SB842/HB1244 – Makes January 27th Maryland Holocaust Remembrance Day in Maryland (SB842 passed Senate 3/16 on 47-0 vote, HB1244 passed House 3/20 on 135-0 vote)

HB20 – Requires minors wear a helmet when riding a horse (passed House 3/2 on 125-12 vote)

HB65 – Allows employees of public libraries to seek collective bargaining (passed House 3/2 on 101-35 vote)

HB116 – Allows employees of the Trustees of the Walters Art Museum to seek collective bargaining (passed House 3/15 on 103-35 vote)

HB178 – Designates Maryland Rye as the Maryland state spirit (passed House 3/18 on 134-0 vote)

HB274 – Creates Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times, requires task force file report with Maryland Governor and General Assembly by January 1, 2024 (passed House 3/20 by 126-0 vote)

HB556 – Cannabis Reform, implements Maryland’s legalization of recreational cannabis on July 1, 2023 (passed House 3/10 on 103-32 vote)
Read more: Maryland’s recreational marijuana reform bill gets initial passage in House of Delegates

HB967 – Establishes October 5th every year as Dashain Day in Maryland (passed House 3/20 on 136-0 vote)

HB1141 – Bans TikTok from being installed or maintained on any information technology owned by a Maryland state government unit (passed House 3/20 on 136-0 vote)