4.23.21 – SSI- LAS VEGAS
ISC West 2021 will take place as a hybrid event July 19-21. Here are the guidelines and policies it put together to help support a safe experience.
Registration is now open for ISC West 2021, taking place here at the Sands Expo and Convention Center July 19-21. The event will take place in a hybrid format with a virtual component also available for registration.
ISC West 2021 was originally scheduled to take place March 23-26, but was pushed back due to restrictions and concerns related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Pricing and registration information for both the in-person show and virtual experience can be found, here.
ISC West has also revealed its health and safety protocols. Customers, vendors and staff are expected to comply with the following health and safety requirements:
- Face coverings: Everyone is required to wear an approved face covering while attending ISC West. Face coverings with valves, bandanas, neck gaiters and masks of certain other materials are not permitted.
- Temperature screening: Everyone attending ISC West will be required to undergo a temperature screening prior to entering. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4° (F) will not be permitted entry to ISC West.
- Increased sanitization and hygiene: Event producer Reed Exhibitions says it works with each venue to implement sanitization standards. It is the responsibility of everyone to maintain personal hygiene, including washing your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
- Physical distancing: The show’s layout has been adjusted and exhibitor guidelines and requirements have been implemented to promote physical distancing. It is requested attendees maintain a distance of 6 ft. (2 meters) between each other.
- Directional and distance markings and signage: Floor and distance markings and signage will be instituted. Operational adjustments may occur throughout the event in order to ensure the health and safety of all attendees.
- Greet without shaking hands: ISC West asks attendees to observe social distancing guidelines when greeting others, avoid handshakes and hugs.
You can read more about ISC West’s health and safety protocols, here.
Last year’s show was also postponed until July before being rescheduled to October and then ultimately pivoting to a virtual experience.