301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

2.20.25 – KNUE – (Grant Parish, Louisiana)

I love a good dumb crook story. Why? Because the crook thinks that their brilliant plan cannot be foiled but gets foiled in the silliest way possible. Instead of their story becoming something of crime lore, they become the laughing stock of the general public and of other criminals.

These two gentlemen (I’m using that term loosely) out of Colorado thought they could be sneaky and deliver some contraband into a prison in Grant Parish, Louisiana. It’s not known if there is a connection between between two men and any inmates in the prison. I guess there is now since these two are incarcerated in that prison.

Louisiana Dumb Crooks Used a Cannon in Smuggling Attempt at Prison

When you think of smuggling something, you think of sneaking something into a place without it being noticed, right? If that place is a prison, you need to be extra, extra, extra sneaky to get something in that shouldn’t be there. These two bright crayons from Colorado decided to use a cannon, yes, a cannon, to attempt their smuggling deed.

Jose Francisco Herrera Munoz, 18, and Angel Gonzales Gutierrez, 19, set up outside U.S. Penitentiary Pollock in Grant Parish, Louisiana (lawnandcrime.com) which is about 120 miles north of Lafayette. Their plan was to shoot about $112,000 worth of tobacco and $89,500 worth of meth over the wall of the prison.

A Very Observant Deputy

Thankfully, according to Grant Parish Sheriff Steven McCain, a deputy working at the prison noticed what was going on and was able to stop the attempt. A cannon was recovered that was professionally manufactured, meaning it was not homemade, and had the ability to propel the objects about 350 feet into the air.

The two men were arrested. Jose Munoz is facing even more trouble because he is in the country illegally. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) submitted a detainer for him.

Jose Francisco Herrera Munoz, 18 (Left), Angel Gonzales Gutierrez, 19, (Right) - Grant Parish Sheriff's Office via Facebook
Jose Francisco Herrera Munoz, 18 (Left), Angel Gonzales Gutierrez, 19, (Right) – Grant Parish Sheriff’s Office via Facebook

Keep the Dumb Crook Activity Alive

For the most part, criminals are smart and can carry out their plan the way it was intended. Most of the time they are caught after a while. I love it when stories like these appear because they make me laugh and prove that crime never pays.