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Illinois Gov. JB Prtizker last week signed into law a bill that requires hotels and casinos in the state to outfit employees who work isolated locations with panic buttons.

8.13.19 – SIW

Businesses also mandated to develop and follow written anti-sexual harassment policy

As part of sweeping new legislation designed to help improve protections for victims of workplace sexual harassment, Illinois Gov. JB Prtizker last week signed into law a bill that requires hotels and casinos in the state to outfit employees who work isolated locations with panic buttons.

In addition, the “Hotel and Casino Employee Safety Act,” also mandates that hotels and casinos develop and follow written anti-sexual harassment policy to protect employees against sexual harassment and sexual assault by guests. The legislation also bans employer retaliation for an employee disclosing, reporting or testifying about sexual harassment and sexual assault.

“Sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in the state of Illinois,” the governor said in a statement. “Ending the culture of sexism and sexual harassment in workplaces across our state takes a comprehensive approach, and I’m proud that this bi-partisan unanimously-passed legislation – led by Senator Melinda Bush and Representative Ann Williams – strengthens workplace protections to hold abusers and enablers accountable. This commonsense law makes it clear that the days of turning a blind eye to sexual harassment in the workplace are over.”

The new law will take effect on July 1, 2020