301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

3.2.25 – Hood County News

Granbury Police Department recently made a post on social media stating that Granbury residents and businesses that have alarms are required by city…

Granbury Police Department  · 
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February 19
Attention Alarm Permit Holders!! If you have an Alarm the answer is “Yes” an Alarm Permit is required by City Ordinance and is required to be renewed every two years. We recently mailed out over 680 notifications to Granbury residents reminding them to renew their permits. If you received a letter in the mail, this is not a scam. Also, if you have an active alarm and do not have a permit, this is your friendly reminder that a permit is required.
Please visit https://granburytx.portal.opengov.com/ and create your account.
If you have any questions, contact The Granbury Police Department at pdrecordsrequest@granbury.org or give us a call at 817-573-2648. We appreciate your patience during this exciting transition.