2.12.25 – KATV -Little Rock
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed 23 bills primarily focused on education and firearm measures into law on Tuesday, February 11.
Details on these laws can be found below:
- HB1056 – An act to create the joint committee on military and veteran’s affairs; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
- SB46 – An act concerning East Arkansas Community College; to reflect a merger between the University of Arkansas and East Arkansas Community College by changing the name of East Arkansas Community College to the University of Arkansas East Arkansas Community College; to repeal portions of the law concerning a previous merger involving East Arkansas Community College; and for other purposes.
- SB15 – An act to amend the law concerning negligent discharge of firearms while hunting deer; to repeal 15-43-205.
- SB16 – An act to amend the law concerning the discharge of a firearm at a train to increase the fine that may be imposed for the discharge of a firearm at a train or for throwing other objects at a train; and for other purposes.
- HB1204 -An act to establish recovery of damages for necessary medical care, treatment, or services rendered; and for other purposes.
- HB1273 – An act to amend the law concerning the remedies available to the secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration; to amend the law concerning the superiority of a lien created by the entry of certificate of indebtedness by the secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration; to provide that a lien created by the entry of certificate of indebtedness by the secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration is not superior to a purchase money mortgage; and for other purposes.
- HB1225 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Black River Technical College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1226 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Arkansas State University – Mountain Home for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1227 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1228 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Northwest Arkansas Community College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1229 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Ozarka College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1234 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope-Texarkana for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1230 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the North Arkansas College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1231 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1233 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Arkansas Northeastern College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1247 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1248 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Arkansas State University – Mid-South for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1249 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the National Park College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1153 – An act to make an appropriation for operating, research and development expenses for the Department of Agriculture – promotion boards for the fiscal yar ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1260 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Southern Arkansas University for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1261 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Arkansas Tech University for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1264 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
- HB1266 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Henderson State University for the fiscal year ending June 30, 21026; and for other purposes.