5.18.22 – News Releases, by Staff TALLAHASSEE, Fla.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the following bills:
- CS/SB 336 – Uniform Commercial Code
- SB 352 – Construction Liens
- CS/SB 518 – Private Property Rights to Prune, Trim and remove Trees
- CS/CS/CS/SB 706 – School Concurrency
- CS/SB 754 – Mobile Home Registration Periods
- CS/CS/SB 1140 – Alarm Systems
A bill to be entitled An act relating to alarm systems; amending s.89.5185, F.S.; authorizing individuals with certain fire alarm certifications to complete a reduced number of training and continuing education hours for the prevention of false alarms; requiring the training and continuing education sponsors and courses to be approved by the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board; amending s. 553.793, F.S.; revising the definition of the term “low-voltage alarm system project” to include certain video cameras and closed circuit television systems; creating s. 553.7932,F.S.; defining terms; authorizing a local enforcement agency to require a contractor to submit certain documentation and payment for obtaining a permit for a fire alarm system project; prohibiting a local enforcement agency from requiring plans and specifications as a condition for obtaining a permit for a fire alarm system project; requiring a local enforcement agency to issue certain permits in person or electronically; requiring a local enforcement agency to perform at least one inspection for a fire alarm system project; requiring a contractor to keep certain documentation at a worksite for a fire alarm system project and make such documentation available for inspection; providing an effective date.
- CS/SB 1526 – Public Records
- CS/HB 899 – Mental Health of Students
- CS/HB 909 – Pollution Control Standards and Liability
- CS/CS/HB 915 – Commercial Motor Vehicle Registration
- HB 1103 – North River Ranch Improvement Stewardship District, Manatee County
- HB 1429 – City of Ocala, Marion County
- HB 1591 – Hernando County
For the transmittal letters, click here.