Criminals, for the most part, are clever but sometimes, they get so greedy, confident and committing mistakes that land them in being apprehended, take a look at these comical examples…
- Burglar leaves their hat behind at the crime scene, later used to identify him which caused himself and his accomplices to land in jail….Mom always says “never forget your hat!”
- Robber tries to hold up a hotel and was foiled when a brave manager reached out and caused the weapon to be revealed…a tree branch! He was held for authorities. What a twig!
- A machete-wielding thief, while bursting into the place, began to lose his pants and as he picking up his pants, he tripped and fell down while trying to flee. Talk about getting caught with your pants down!!
- Burglar cut his hand while attempting to break into a house, he was smart enough to wipe any tracing evidence with a tissue but dumb enough to leave the tissue behind during his second burglary!
For more of these fun facts, click the link below!
Resource: “Thick as Thieves: 10 stupid criminals whose comical mistakes will make you chuckle” The Mirror, UK