(Submitted: 02Dec21)
The words “duress code” have many meanings depending upon the context and industry. These codes, have been utilized by many sectors, such as the alarm security industry, police and military.
The Wikipedia definition of “duress code” explains that it is a “covert distress signal”, a silent warning indicating coercion, someone being forced against their will.
Here are some examples of “duress code” uses and meanings that you may find interesting.
- Military: Code 7500 – hijacking in progress alert
- Alarm Security Industry: alarm user under duress to disarm alarm security system
- Police: Code 10-33 – emergency, officer assistance required (most common)
- Airport Security: Code Bravo – indicates a security breach/threat
Peoplesafe has a list of 5 secret emergency codes that are very interesting, have a look at their website in the Resources below.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duress_code
Copradar.com https://copradar.com/tencodes/mgeneral.html
Peoplesafe https://peoplesafe.co.uk/resources/blogs/5-secret-emergency-codes-used-to-avoid-alarming-the-public/