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3/9/25 CBS News – By Jack Fink, Nathalie Palacios

Time for a change? 

We lost an hour of sleep — did you remember to move your clocks forward one hour? A lot of people are sick of doing it. 

There is no shortage of opinions about the time change. As in past years, new legislation has been filed at the Texas Legislature that could end this requirement. 

Early Sunday morning, clocks moved forward by one hour as we shifted from standard time to daylight saving time. Various state lawmakers have filed bills to make Texas follow standard time all year round and other bills that would make daylight saving time permanent. If the legislature passes a bill to make daylight saving time all year round, it will first need approval from Congress. But that’s not the case if the legislature passes a measure to make standard time permanent. 

One lawmaker, State Senator Mayes Middleton, R-Galveston, filed two bills: one for standard time becoming year-round and one for daylight saving time becoming permanent. 

Middleton said, “This would just say look, we’re not going to change our clocks anymore. That’s the one thing everyone agrees on: please, please, we don’t want to change our clocks anymore. I filed both bills because at the end of the day, what I really want to have happen, no more time change. I’m tired of the time change. Everybody’s tired of the time change.”