301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Way: Background checks and employer requirements

3.3.23 – Journal Record  Although advantages to using background checks in the hiring process abound, employers should ensure their hiring managers understand what type of information to request and how to use it. Benefits include mitigating potential exposure...

“I’m Just a Bill…” Legislative committees begin work

2.22.23 – The ADA News The 1st Session of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature is in full swing! Lawmakers have been working at the Oklahoma State Capitol for over two weeks now, and bills are moving through the committee process in both the state House of Representatives...

Legislative Leaders Tackle Tough Issues During Chamber Event

2.3.23 – okcfriday  Editor’s Note: This is the first in a two-part series detailing responses from Oklahoma state legislative leaders during a Greater Oklahoma City Chamber forum. • • • Leaders of the Oklahoma Senate and House of Representatives gave their...