11.30.22 – McGlinchey Buried deep in the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure is a little-known law which gives creditors the right to seek wage garnishments from a borrower’s employer if the borrower fails to satisfy a loan obligation. In a recent...
11.23.22 – Pre Employ Under House Bill 639, individuals convicted of a crime may request that a licensing board or commission determine if their record would disqualify them from acquiring a license. Identifying information and criminal conviction information...
11.16.22 – Business Report A Louisiana legislative task force held multiple meetings Tuesday to explore and craft recommendations to resolve employment issues concerning medical marijuana. Three subcommittees of the Employment and Medical Marijuana Task Force...
Several flu vaccines are lined up in a pan 11.13.22 – BRProud – (NEXSTAR) The 2022 flu season is off to an early and vicious start, especially in the South, according to tracking by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has seven states,...
11.1.22 – Yahoo Finance Louisiana tied its record for its lowest not-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in September with a rate of 3.5%, dropping 0.3 percentage points from August, according to the Louisiana Workforce Commission. It’s the 19th consecutive...
7.16.22 – NWZ Wire — New Orleans People who work and live in the French Quarter say crime is out of control. NEW ORLEANS – Residents and business owners in the French Quarter say crime is taking over their neighborhood and is affecting businesses. They said a stronger...