301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Update on Android Emergency SOS Feature & Accidental 9-1-1 Calls

6.29.23 – NENA NENA staff has been working with Google and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) regarding a recent and large uptick in accidental calls caused by changes to default behavior in some devices for the Emergency SOS feature in Android. This feature is...

Navigating Difficult Client Relationships, Part 3

7.6.23 – CI – A leading ASCII Group member offers advice on how to handle bumps in the road, including payment issues, insufficient cybersecurity posture and service-level disputes. Over the past two months, Commercial Integrator has...

Barely a quarter of Americans still have landlines. Who are they?

6.26.23 – Washington Post A startling 73 percent of American adults lived in a household without a landline at the end of last year — a figure that has tripled since 2010 Do people still have landline telephones? Thus asks reader Sharon Claffey of Williamstown, Mass.,...