2.14.22 – WRIC – Richmond, Va. Fox Elementary fire alarm system did not call company due to missing area code. A fire alarm system at the now-scorched Fox Elementary School reportedly excluded a vital set of numbers needed to begin alerting authorities–the...
2.15.22 – USA Today – NEW YORK (AP) As telecom companies rev up the newest generation of mobile service, called 5G, they’re shutting down old networks — a costly, years-in-the-works process that’s now prompting calls for a delay because...
2.18.22 – CEPro (Image Credit: kaptn/stock.adobe.com) Research by SonicWall finds IoT malware attacks rose by 6% in 2021, with routers being the most targeted devices in most homes. Although ransomware ran rampant last year, IoT malware attacks...
2.18.22 – CI Technology service providers that represent attractive targets to a threat actor, are being urged to implement cybersecurity protections. U.S. organizations, including technology service providers that represent attractive targets to a threat actor,...
(Image: 1001color/stock.adobe.com) 2.18.22 – SSI – Shane Clary Not only should those who work on fire alarm systems be factory certified on the systems and equipment they are working on, but they also need to be competent on resolving issues not...
2.17.22 – SSI Three systems integrators discuss how security entrances help their clients meet physical security strategies and objectives The need for physical safety is greater than ever. Security turnstiles are part of the conversation, whether in new...