3.1.22 – CEPro – Jason Knott (Image Credit: Hernan Schmidt/stock.adobe.com) NAHB data shows single-family housing construction peaked in Q2 2021 and is declining in large metro and suburban areas as much as 31%. New findings from the National...
(Image: 35microstock/stock.adobe.com) 3.4.22 – SSI – Steve Karantzoulidis Though thermal video was already gaining popularity when it began to be utilized for temperature monitoring during the pandemic, it still has more to offer. Here’s how its use...
(Image: Blue Planet Studio/stock.adobe.com) 3.3.22 – SSI – Nick Adriance Real-time location systems (RTLS) provide staff duress solutions that prevent violent threats from escalating to dangerous events. As healthcare workers continue to fight on the...
3.1.22 -Newsbreak – Greensboro, N.C. Millions of us rely on home security systems for protection. But what if those security systems themselves are not so secure when it comes to attacks from hackers? Consumer Reports found that some of them can be disabled in a...
3.1.22 – Security Today – By Tom Hofer Even a low rate of alarm can lead to complacency. Critical infrastructure sites need reliable, cost-effective physical security solutions. For these solutions to be a success they must reliably detect and deter...
3.1.22 – WYFF – SIMPSONVILLE, S.C. Case settled for $650,000. A lawsuit has been settled after an Upstate couple sued the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office and a deputy after a man was shot in his own home. Simpsonville residents Dick...