4.27.22 – KFOR – A bill that legislators say would effectively end unemployment tax increases on Oklahoma businesses is one step closer to becoming law. House Bill 1933 passed in the State Senate on Tuesday. A State Senate news release states that the...
Motivated individuals are beneficial to companies because they can deliver quality work while, at the same time, becoming powerful role models for their colleagues. HOCK/STOCK.ADOBE.COM 4.28.22 – CI Assessing the employment landscape, short-tenured workers and...
4.26.22 – CI – Alyssa Borelli How Texadia Systems continues to meet commercial and residential client needs with service agreements and how it gives back to the community. After working for a decade at a commercial integration firm that failed to meet...
(Image: Shutter2U/stock.adobe.com) 4.28.22 – SSI – AUSTIN, Texas System Surveyor’s Physical Security Industry Benchmark shows digital transformation is having an impact on the industry, but needs to be better utilized to address client needs. System...
(Image: zilvergolf/stock.adobe.com) 4.25.22 – SSI – John Nemerofsky Combined with modern credentials, OSDP provides a way for secure end-to-end deployments with lower installation and operational costs. Industry standards provide the structure security...
4.25.22 – PubMed Gary A Smith 1 2 3, Sandhya Kistamgari 1, Mark Splaingard 2 4 Abstract Objectives: Although it has been established that smoke alarms have more difficulty awakening children from sleep than adults, no...