301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

Why You Need To Change Your Perspective on Failure

5.22.22 – Entrepreneur Making mistakes is just another step in achieving your goals. We need to change our perspective on failure. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. No matter what we do, it seems that most human beings are attracted...

Why Does The Smart Chip Shortage Persist? An Explanation

chiradech/Adobe Stock 5.17.22 – CEPro Crestron explains the smart chip shortage and gives context for impacts on AV & some suggestions for communicating with clients. Smart chips are everywhere these days — from cars to toothbrushes. But as any custom...

How Will Public Safety Be Affected by the 3G Sunset?

5.19.22 – State Tech Magazine  As major cellphone carriers make the move from 3G to 5G, many in the public safety industry have expressed concern that the transition could cause problems for Americans using a range of services and devices that rely on the older...

FL Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Thirteen Bills

5.18.22 – News Releases, by Staff TALLAHASSEE, Fla.  Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the following bills: CS/SB 336 – Uniform Commercial CodeSB 352 – Construction LiensCS/SB 518 – Private Property Rights to Prune, Trim and remove TreesCS/CS/CS/SB 706 –...

Beware of This Method Burglars Use to Mark Their Next Target

5.18.22 – KKAM Unfortunately, it is not uncommon in Lubbock and many other cities for homeowners and renters to have their home broken into. Over 2.2 million homes are burglarized in the United States every year, with 70 percent of these...