(Image Credit: Syda Productions/stock.adobe.com) 7.28.22 – SSI – Jeff Zwirn Distracted operators? Increased alarm contractor liability exposure? Forensic alarm expert Jeff Zwirn pokes holes in UL-827’s pandemic-induced standard exception. In a world where peace...
A lawsuit claims ADT agreed to install and monitor low temperature in a home. After frozen pipes led to water damage, ADT allegedly failed to notify anyone of the low temperature. 7.26.22 – SSI – Ken Kirschenbaum Legal expert Ken Kirschenbaum explains why the...
Robb Elementary in Uvalde, on July 11, 2022. Credit: Evan L’Roy/The Texas Tribune 7.17.22 – TEXAS TRIBUNE STAFF Among the findings: Police lacked clear leadership and basic communications, school doors were routinely left open and the gunman gave...
7.19.22 – Magnolia State Live High-tech, high-resolution video cameras approved for crime-plagued streets of this Mississippi city. The Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved a resolution to acquire and install a high-tech video camera system designed...
7.21.22 – Business Report Roughly 60,000 Louisiana workers quit their jobs in May, according to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as the state continues to see workers voluntarily leave their jobs in droves. As The Daily...
7.19.22 – KWCH -WICHITA, Kan. With dangerous heat expected over the next several days with highs in the triple digits, Kansas businesses are altering schedules to keep their workers safe. Among workers most vulnerable to the elements are roofers. Monday,...