8.13.24 – WTVA – LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss.

A burglar was arrested after leaving an apology note in Lowndes County.
The Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office said a burglar broke into several storage units and stole renters’ personal belongings.
Authorities said he apparently felt bad about what he did and left an apology letter.
Lowndes County Sheriff Eddie Hawkins said the thief explained he was a drug addict in the apology letter.
He wrote he was going to sell the stolen items so he’d have money to buy drugs.
The thief also wrote that he promised to pay back his victims.
The man included a phone number in the note which was traced to a texting app.
That number was eventually traced to Zachary Cox and he was charged with three counts of commercial burglary.
Hawkins said Cox admitted to the crime.
He has since been released from jail on bond.
Some of the items stolen were recovered. However, others were already sold.