5.16.20- Houston Chronicle – By Leah Napoliello – For Your Info
Millions of homeowners seek to secure their homes, families, and belongings with a home security system, also known as a burglar alarm. Recent spikes in crime reported throughout the greater Houston area have also led many homeowners to consider extra security.
Millions of homeowners seek to secure their homes, families, and belongings with a home security system, also known as a burglar alarm. Recent spikes in crime reported throughout the greater Houston area have also led many homeowners to consider extra security.
While most home security companies are reputable, the Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas has also received some complaints from consumers about less-than-ethical companies attempting to get them to switch their alarm service, often by knocking on the door and claiming to be their current provider offering an “upgrade,” or saying their current alarm service is out of business or was sold to the door-to-door salesperson’s business.
The BBB offers the following tips for selecting a home security company:
- Choose a reputable business. The best home security system will accommodate your lifestyle and specific valuables you want protected. Carefully consider your security requirements and budget. You may also get recommendations from your homeowners or renters insurance carrier. Deal only with reputable firms and check out the company with BBB first at BBBHouston.org.
- Contact at least three companies before making a selection. Find out if they are properly licensed in Texas. Visit the Texas Department of Public Safety’s webpage at www.dps.texas.gov to verify licensing and ask if the company runs a criminal background check on employees prior to hiring.
- Ask about all charges up front. Prices for home security systems will vary based on the level of protection and type of technology used. Be sure to compare bids on similar systems. Do not forget to factor in the initial installation charge, as well as monthly monitoring fees.
- Know the ins and outs of your contract. If your alarm system will be monitored, either by your installing company or by a third-party monitoring center, find out the length of the contract. Typically, monitoring contracts are two to five years in length. What is your recourse if you are not satisfied with the services provided? Can you cancel the contract? What are your rights if your monitoring company is purchased or acquired by another alarm company? These are the types of questions you need to consider before you obligate yourself to a long-term contract.
- Beware of high-pressure sales tactics. A reputable seller will give you time to think through the deal and will make an appointment to return at a later date. Do not give in to high-pressure sales tactics; take the time to do your research and make an informed decision.
- Avoid deals that sound too good to be true. Some sellers might offer an extremely good price for their products or services. The adage holds true that you get what you pay for, and many people have been quickly disappointed when the products didn’t live up to the hype or the company did a shoddy job.
- Beware of lack of company identification. Any legitimate salesperson will be able to provide you with positive identification for both themselves and their company. Also beware of sellers who don’t appear to have any ties to the community. Itinerant workers often enter and exit an area quickly, and may not deliver everything promised.
And what happens if you change your mind after the sale? In the United States, the “cooling off” rule is three days for door-to-door sales.
The Better Business Bureau is an unbiased nonprofit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. For information or to check the reliability of a company and find trustworthy businesses, visit www.bbbhouston.org, which includes our BBB Accredited Business Directory, or call 713-868-9500. Leah Napoliello is senior director of Investigative Services with the Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas. Send homeowner questions to Leah Napoliello, Better Business Bureau, 1333 West Loop South, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77027, or e-mail lnapoliello@bbbhou.org. Include mailing address and phone number on letters and emails.