301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

1.22.24 – WFAA -ARLINGTON, Texas

The program allows residents and businesses to share their surveillance camera footage with police to help solve crimes.

The Arlington Police Department announced the launching of “Connect Arlington” on Monday, which will increase the department’s ability to surveillance through the use of security footage from local businesses and residents. 

Connect Arlington allows anyone with surveillance systems can register or integrate their cameras with the department’s Real Time Crime Center.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – crime is not just a policing issue,” said Chief of Police Al Jones in a statement. “It’s a community issue. We need the community’s help and support to address crime in our city. One of the most impactful ways our residents and businesses can do that is by providing us with quick access to surveillance footage when an incident occurs.”

APD says registration does not give the department live or unfiltered access to residential cameras. 

Registration is a free option recommended for residents, and if an incident occurs, RTCC can quickly find if any nearby registered surveillance cameras have captured relevant footage and quickly contact the camera owner to access the footage. Participants can also upload footage directly to the department. 

Businesses can integrate their surveillance systems directly with RTCC with the purchase of a Fusus core divice, giving police direct access to the business’ live camera feeds. Businesses would still maintain full control over which cameras RTCC has access to. 

 “When a crime occurs, the suspect isn’t usually waiting at the scene for officers to arrive,” said Deputy Chief Steve Williams in a statement, whose Technical Services Division is overseeing the Connect Arlington program. “Our chances of finding and taking that suspect into custody increase exponentially the sooner we’re able to identify them or their vehicle. That’s why we’re hopeful our residents and businesses will embrace Connect Arlington.”

Participants can opt in or out of the program at any time.