8.23.23 – THV 11 – Little Rock, Ark.
The extreme heat across the state is shaking up schedules, especially for outdoor workers in Central Arkansas.
Any outdoor activity right now is brutal, and many avoid going outside as much as possible.
It’s not an easy thing to do for people who work outdoors.
“It’s been a hot one this year,” said Cedric Webb, owner of Going the Extra Mile Landscaping. “You can’t get much done in the heat as you can when it’s the normal temperature, so that’s why it’s affecting us now.”
Webb and his crew have started adjusting their hours, looking for any relief from the sun.
“We try to cut it off around 1 p.m. because that’s the sun’s peak when it’s really hot,” Webb said.
The sun slows them down, and they’re not the only ones.
“We have to get started at 5:30 a.m. just to get out there before it gets too hot,” Janitorial Doctors General Manager Joe Vincent said.
Vincent said they’re in a balancing act of issues, trying to keep employees safe while still completing the job.
“Regardless of the heat, the grass is still gonna grow a little with the irrigations out here,” he said. “We still have a job to complete.”
This weather isn’t the only thing that’s slowed them down, as the rain at the beginning of the year also set them back, adding to delays.
“It’s been from one extreme to the next,” Webb said.
Webb is thankful that customers have been understanding. He said the only thing that matters right now is their safety.
“That’s one of the reasons why we have this schedule,” Webb said. “We’ve got to look out for the guys working out in these extreme temperatures.”