11.5.20 – APCO – Alexandria, Va. – The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International received final approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on October 30, 2020, for two American National Standards (ANS). Best Practices for the Use of Social Media in Public Safety Communications is a revision of a current standard and Key Performance Indicators for Public Safety Communications Personnel is a newly created standard.
The revision process occurs every five years for all American National Standards. This ensures that all standards are up to date with current trends in operations, training and technology.
“APCO is a leader in developing training standards for public safety communications. Routine review and revision of our standards ensures essential training requirements and core competencies are current and relevant,” said Margie Moulin, President of APCO International.
To learn more about standards, visit apcointl.org/standards.