4.12.24 – WGRV-by Elizabeth Hagood Johnson
A woman wanted on outstanding warrants was additionally charged with burglary after she claimed to have gone in the wrong house Thursday afternoon. The resident of the home on Whirlwind Road told the Greene County Sheriff’s Department she received a call from her uncle, who said someone had gone into her house.
A security camera reportedly caught Karen Easterly of Sequoia Trail entering the house through a back door. The victim said everything appeared okay inside the house, but she was unable to locate an iPhone. The victim was unsure if the phone had been stolen, but could not find it.
Easterly told deputies she was at the wrong house and did not mean to go inside. She said she did not take anything and left as soon as she knew it was the wrong house. Easterly was transported to the Greene County Detention Center for her outstanding warrants and burglary.