3.11.21 – The Oklahoman
Oklahomans have extra time to file their state and federal tax returns due to the historic winter storm that slammed the state in February.
The federal filing deadline has been extended by two months to June 15. The Oklahoma Tax Commission followed suit by waiving penalties and interest for returns filed after April 15, effectively extending the state tax return deadline.
Both the state of Oklahoma and the Internal Revenue Service extended tax payment deadlines, too. Oklahomans have until then to pay their 2020 individual and business income taxes, and their first quarter 2021 estimated income tax payments.
The extension is automatic and no special requests are needed, according to the Oklahoma Tax Commission order.
Tax deadlines were extended to June 15 following the winter storm, which caused record low temperatures and snow-covered roads for nearly two weeks.https://a74dfd870581fc001883867515d457e4.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Correction: A previous version of this story inaccurately stated that tax returns were still due April 15.
Staff writer Dale Denwalt covers technology, aerospace and Oklahoma business news for The Oklahoman. Have a story idea for Dale? He can be reached at ddenwalt@oklahoman.com or on Twitter at @denwalt. Support Dale’s work and that of other Oklahoman journalists by purchasing a digital subscription today at subscribe.oklahoman.com or by using the link at the top of this pa