301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

1.4.23 – SSI

As part of SSI’s 2022 Industry Forecast, we asked 13 security experts to predict what 2023 will be remembered for.

The year 2022 followed several years of turbulence in the security industry courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain shortages, which only exacerbated existing issues such as staffing shortages.

  • So what could 2023 have in store for the security industry? As part of SSI‘s 2023 Industry Forecast, we asked 13 experts to finish the following sentence: 2023 will be remembered as the year the electronic security industry…
  • “… recognized that rapid-evolving technology is the new norm. With our devices increasingly connected to that of other high-tech industries, change and getting out of one’s comfort zone is necessary for continued growth and success.” – Judy Jones-Shand (NAPCO)
  • “… forged ahead with Cloud-based, AI technology solutions that provide valuable insights for managing and securing people, places and things, and deliver incremental and sustainable recurring revenue.” – George De Marco (DECO Ventures)
  • “… continued the rollercoaster ride that is reality. We’ll have some ups and some downs, but ultimately it will be about adapting and not getting comfortable.” – Rick Koscinski (Honeywell)
  • “… fully harnessed the power of data, AI and analytics to improve security offerings, services and processes to better protect end users, as well as build revenue.” – Alison Forsythe (EverCommerce Security & Alarm)
  • “… integrators looked for new products and services that aligned them and the end user in a much deeper and committed relationship.” – Kirk MacDowell (MacGuard Security Advisors)
  • “… became more than just security. We have so much more to offer.” – Jeremy McLerran (Johnson Controls)
  • “… rallied around the notion of best practices, with integrators that choose the right projects and set better internal standards gaining an advantage.” – Chuck Wilson (NSCA)
  • “… saw consumers realize their home security system has evolved to become an intelligent whole-home manager that’s working for them around the clock.” – Stephanie Kinney (Alarm.com)
  • “… redefined and embraced the new normal post-COVID.” – Eddie Reynolds (iluminar)
  • “… entered a new phase of intelligence and maturity, with systems continuing to get smarter, more powerful.” – Brent Boekestein (Vintra)
  • “… became more entrepreneurial in their thinking and decision making.” – Paul Boucherle (Matterhorn Consulting)
  • “… made a significant comeback. I’m expecting we’ll be back in full swing in every sense.” – Jeff Ross (ACRE)
  • “… went back to their offices.” – Celia Besore (TMA)