301.519.9237 exdirector@nesaus.org

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  • Six ideas to making successful sales contests
    12.12.18 – SSI – About 20 years ago, my boss pulled me into his office and asked a favor. We were entering June and all indications were pointing to a slow second quarter. The company needed sales. He needed sales. His request was direct: “I need you to pull in every dollar possible this month. I’ll approve whatever you need—just bring in the sales.”
  • The Worst Passwords of 2018 Are Here to Shame You
    12.13.18  SSI – SplashData estimates almost 10% of people have used at least one of the 25 worst passwords on this year’s list.
  • 4 Ways to Jumpstart Service Revenue in 2019
    12.14.8 – CI – Almo Professional A/V suggests four fairly easy and organic steps AV integration firms can take to jumpstart their service revenue in 2019.
  • The Best Data Breach Incident Response Plans Require These Steps
    12.10.18 – CI – Incident Response Plans are the most valuable asset to have in the event of a data breach. Having a good one will earn the trust of clients, too.

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The National Monitor is a service of the National Electronic Security Alliance (NESA). Member states are free to reproduce the information contained herein in print or electronic media as they see fit. Contact NESA for more information at 301.519.9237 or bradshipp@4yoursolution.com

NESA is a federation of state associations established to serve and promote the electronic systems industry at the direction of, and through its affiliated state associations. Five state associations are part of NESA – Texas Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (TBFAA), Maryland Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (MDBFAA), Kansas Electronic Security Association (KESA), Arkansas Security Alarm Association (ASAA) and Oklahoma Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (OKBFAA). For more info visit www.nesaus.org.